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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Man, I feel awful that I haven't caught a single bit of this until now. I drop by TBD for a few minutes every day, but I often don't get over here to OTW. I wish I had. My deepest condolences. I'm amazed at how strong you've all been, I truly am.
  2. Well, that's good news, I guess, although I can't confirm that it's good and there's nothing to suggest it's news.
  3. I think Byrd, Levitre, Nelson, and Urbik are the most likely to stick around. I also put Merriman and Jones, but that's because I didn't read the question well enough to see you meant "re-sign before the season starts." I think those two will actually have very solid years, especially Jones. I think he will surprise a lot of people this year. McKelvin will be gone, and I think Moorman may be on his last leg (nyuk nyuk).
  4. ...web sites that incorporate auto-play video advertisements that don't allow you to stop, pause, or mute. Damn, I hate that.
  5. In fact, the thread is still on the first page.
  6. Bills at #13 overall, #5 in AFC, according to NFL.com Sorry if already posted. Discuss.
  7. Perhaps, but we haven't had the horses to run it until now.
  8. How can anyone not be totally juiced up for this coming season? Man, I haven't been this excited to watch our defense since...well ****, I can't even remember.
  9. That would just be the cherry on top of this amazing transformation.
  10. I'm not sure exactly why you think that. I don't think TJ will be ready for the starting #2 spot, at least not for a while, and certainly given the more experienced guys we have on the roster. My guess is that, in the two WR set, it will be Stevie and Donald Jones; TJ will come on when we move to the three and four WR sets, with Jones moving inside along with Nelson.
  11. I think a lot of people are going to be pleasantly surprised by Donald Jones this year.
  12. I'm sure people were "scared" of the Eagles last year, too.
  13. They're just magnets, man. Just magnets.
  14. Tim Graham blog about how the Bills backup DEs are better than any starting DE pair over the last 12 years. Man, I cannot wait for this season to start. This could be one nasty defense.
  15. Gosh, good question. I wonder if this is being discussed anywhere?
  16. I'm surprised there hasn't already been a huge backlash against you, but I for one appreciate the info and will give you the benefit of the doubt.
  17. There's a guy here in Salt Lake originally from Rochester, I believe, who opened up a diner/grill and serves beef on wecks on Wednesdays with kimmelwecks he gets from a baker around here. Man is that awesome.
  18. The Bills may not be for sale, but if I was looking to buy the Bills when Ralph is no longer with us, I wouldn't wait to get my ownership group together until after he leaves us.
  19. I think one of the most encouraging things I've read this offseason is that Chan thinks CJ's blocking skills have improved dramatically. If that guy can give a decent block now and then, we can really do some cool things with both of them on the field.
  20. No kidding. There is only one direction this defense could go.
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