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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Good find. However, I don't buy it for a second.
  2. Yep, that's a direct quote from...Fitz: Et tu, Fitzy?
  3. Urbik and Johnson both *might* be back this week, but Glenn is further away than both of those guys. If we're lucky, after the bye week.
  4. Kind of appropriate, considering we're only about 1/3 of the way through the season.
  5. Spencer and Kraig could both be back this week. This is great news. We miss both of these guys. Sounds like Cordy is not as far along, however. Hopefully, we'll have all three back and at near full strength after the bye week.
  6. Bingo. We were a hair away from 7 sacks, and probably for the reason you stated above.
  7. You seem unusually angry after this win.
  8. So gloating about it in the current thread wasn't enough?
  9. So you're saying you're still undecided about the move?
  10. Agreed. They have an excellent young CB who is also out for the year.
  11. Considering how well Moore played, I'm curious to see where he fits. Maybe just to spell Williams briefly.
  12. Sorry if already discussed, I didn't see anything... Without Nick Mendola's permission (which was taken from a screengrab from @TrendingBuffalo), I'm linking to the image of the measurement that was called a first down. This was the play that Chan challenged and failed to overturn. So seriously, under which set of bizarro NFL rules is this considered a first down? Anyone?
  13. I was furious at Chan as well, but I get the sense more and more that if we had a QB that could actually throw the ball with average accuracy and consistency, we'd be thinking a lot better of him.
  14. No worries, man. I just started watching it and I think it's fantastic.
  15. That sounds awesome. And JD Hill, too? Really?
  16. I don't think it's misleading at all. It was taken right from the linked article. Guys get cut for many different reasons.
  17. True, although the meaning has evolved over time to a broader sense: "Reference to the Maginot Line is used to recall a strategy or object that people hope will prove effective but instead fails miserably." I think there is probably no better way to describe our D-line.
  18. What's that saying about insanity, again?
  19. Funny part of that is that the same study showed one of the only people worse than DFlo was...A Williams.
  20. This team is !@#$ing cursed, I tell you.
  21. I know, I know, he's an ex-Bill. Get over it. How a punter in Buffalo cost a safety his job in Dallas I didn't realize it was probably a temporary thing...
  22. Red: Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.
  23. His mother is ill and he is with her this week. This is per Jay Skursky's chat yesterday.
  24. How did the Texans go from a bottom-3 ranked defense in the NFL (2010) to a top-3 ranked defense in the NFL (2011) in the span of a single season? Two words: Wade Philips. Coaching absolutely matters. That's why the Jets are at least competitive, and we blow chunks.
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