I've been thinking of investing in a small generator for a while now, but I never really went beyond that. Now that we just had a crazy three-day snowstorm here in Salt Lake, it got me thinking again. I'm only looking for one to help keep the fridge going, and maybe a couple of lights and a space heater. The power goes out here maybe once a year at most, for a day or two, so it's primarily just a convenience thing, although it would be nice to have if it ever gets worse than that.
The one thing that has always held me back, and I know this is kind of silly, but I have no idea what to do with them when they're not being used, which obviously can be for many months or longer. Since they have gas and oil in them, I assume it's not good to leave them for long periods of time like that, but what else do you do? Drain them? Run them periodically? How often?
Thanks from a real n00b.