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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I'm actually going to be in Manhattan next week starting on Wednesday. I don't know if people still go to McFadden's or how well it survived the storm, but I'd love to try to catch the game if possible. Anyone here go there for games?
  2. And to think how much grief the Dolphins got for drafting a kick returner with their first round pick a few years back.
  3. Wait, that's three guys dropped, and one brought up. Does that mean we have two open roster spots?
  4. Ah, I didn't realize that. You sure wouldn't guess it from the previews on TV. Thanks for pointing it out.
  5. I'd like to hear him explain how you give up 300 yards passing and 300 yards rushing in a single game just from the occasional big play. Oh wait, those are numbers. Never mind, I'm an idiot who doesn't know football.
  6. I've always been fascinated by these things, especially the Matrix ones. Will Smith would have been an interesting choice. Keanu is a horrible actor, but I'm not sure Will could effectively sell being an isolated computer hacker as much as Keanu. He has too much personality.
  7. No question this is not a playoff team, and it's likely changes are coming. But if we go 0-for-November, especially after getting injured guys back, there's no question a house cleaning is in order.
  8. Sounds like a reasonable analysis, although I think you'll see a bit of disagreement with your subjective categorizations. I would have liked to see a fifth category, "Average", since there are a number of guys you put in "Above Average" that I think are generous, such as Culpepper, Pennington, Locker, and Ponder. But yeah, a 50% hit rate isn't that bad, all things considered. Part of it also has to do with guys who were drafted in the first round who probably shouldn't have been (Losman, Tebow, etc).
  9. There is, it's called the Bills. See Morrison, Kirk.
  10. The day we have Orton as our starting QB is the day I give up.
  11. If we could even have an average defense, I'm certain we would be 5-2 at this point.
  12. I just find it hard to fathom that we couldn't even make a single first down on that last drive.
  13. So says Nick Barnett. Jesus, I'm so tired of hearing the same generic, meaningless bull ****. Seriously, we're about halfway through the season and we don't know how to execute? Not even a little? We're giving up yards and points in unprecedented hoardes. Even a tiny bit of execution would help. Are the players that undisciplined?
  14. We will never break out of the **** cellar until we refuse to put up with mediocrity anymore. Travaris is yet another player who defines mediocrity, just like Fitz. It won't change a thing.
  15. I feel your pain, man. I really do. I share your feelings, I feel like doing the same thing.
  16. Maybin's only impact in the game against the Colts was an unnecessary roughness penalty that negated a touchown for the Jets on a turnover.
  17. He was rated as one of the worst at the end of last year, too, but apparently everybody gave him a pass because he was a rookie. Oh well.
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