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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I think it probably comes down to which of the two, between Isabella and Shorter, are more likely to make it through waivers so they can be stashed on the PS. From what I read, I think Shorter would probably get snatched up before Isabella. My guess is Isabella makes it onto the PS this year and possibly gets called up.
  2. Cool! I did something like that years ago...looks like it was 2016. I'm sure some of it is way out of date now, but in case there are some on there that you could use... https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&mid=1Ib5SnxMUOlaXxe0AoFGANRtuOiA&ll=42.9437290469228%2C-78.828915&z=11
  3. Stayed there a couple years ago, it's fantastic. And in a great area if you like the hip Elmwood shops and stores. I'd definitely stay there again.
  4. I'm fine with their offense being spotty to start the season, but that defense is going to cause problems for us like they did last year. I mean, they beat us last year with a powerful defense and a crappy QB. It's not like they need to improve dramatically on offense to take us out. I like our chances but it's not going to be a cake walk even if Rogers is sulking and causing trouble.
  5. Not me, I've been waiting and waiting for it...hoping it arrives before the first preseason game...
  6. Especially if you put him out there consistently with Knox, who is a decent blocker, then the defense really doesn't know who is going out in a pattern and who is staying in to block, and hence who to assign to them. With Josh so good at RPOs, you could just let him see how they line up and pick the best option. That would be fun to watch.
  7. If Kincaid can learn how to block effectively, that could really create some nightmares for DCs.
  8. Thought about reffing years ago. Friend of mine happened to be doing it and his advice was that he wouldn’t get into it anymore because of the abuse. Seems like it would be fun but who wants to be a target like that on a regular basis?
  9. Where's the option for "This place is like Hotel California. Please send help, I can't leave."
  10. Pretty sure I joined back at the beginning, though my memory is pretty hazy. I do recall HyperBills so I think that's where I started before ending up here. Honestly can't say for sure though. Back in 1998 I was in my residency. Life was pretty rough, but this place was a haven, especially for a Bills fan living across the country with no easy way to get inside news on the team. Seen lots of folks come and go over the years. I miss a whole mess of them, even though I've never met most in person.
  11. Could be. I just think most of what we're seeing this first week is just moving people around to see how they mesh with others, how they understand and handle the calls and responsibilities, and to see how much of the system they are studying and integrating. It's nice to see that Torrence is fitting in well enough, but even OL who looked great in college and walkthroughs have crapped the bed once an NFL-caliber DL started knocking them around. Fingers crossed.
  12. It's certainly encouraging, but I'd rather wait and see what happens when they get all the pads on and start knocking each other around.
  13. Last year we beat the piss out of #2 coming off a Super Bowl victory, so whatever.
  14. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see the Jets implode, crash, and burn. That said, I don't see it happening. Too much talent on both sides of the ball. They could finish any position in the division, but even if they finish last I see them taking down a bunch of contenders with that squad.
  15. NFL Films did a piece on him not too long ago ("Barefoot in Buffalo: Todd Schlopy’s Journey From Kicking to Camerawork"). He became a Hollywood cameraman, and got a chance to film a Bills game back in 2021 (against the Commanders). It was a dream come true for him. They review that game and his role in it as well. Nice watch, only about 9 minutes long.
  16. Cool to hear we'll have another Bills fan in Utah! I've been in SLC for the past 26 years, been all over this state and the surrounding areas. I agree that it's an amazing place, love it here. I would say that it's true that if you're not Mormon, some things can definitely be more difficult. Politics is one—if you're not Mormon, and especially if you're not Republican, forget it. Raising non-Mormom kids outside of SLC or Park City can be pretty tough for them, depending on where. And I think what @Utah John said earlier about running a business, especially outside SLC or Park City, is true to an extent, but probably less so in the last few years, owing mostly to the incredible migration of people here to Utah—largely from California. So many ex-Californians here now, even in towns like St. George. The food selection has traditionally been less than great in southern Utah, but it's gradually improving. One thing I must recommend: if you like pie, there are two stunningly good but small pie bakeries around St. George: Croshaw's and Veyo Pies. Croshaw's is in St. George; Veyo is in the town of Veyo about 20 minutes north of St. George in a really pretty area. Cedar City is also less than an hour north, and though it's a small town it's also a college town with some neat little places, and they have a nationally recognized Shakespeare festival every fall, if you're into that sort of thing. If you ever get up to SLC look me up, we have a great Bills bar pretty close to my house. Congrats on the move!
  17. Jets held us to 17 and 20 points last year, and it ain’t getting any easier next year…
  18. Good stuff, thanks. I have read about Bogart's and I think it's fairly close to where we're staying, so I think I'll check it out. Wife is from Peoria, IL, seems that gooey butter cake has made it up there...soooo good.
  19. I have heard this too. Unfortunately, I must stay in St. Louis… Nice, I’ll check it out!
  20. Well, I guess that's something...
  21. Going there later this month and I get one chance to go out for some excellent BBQ. Looking for the expertise here to suggest a place that I shouldn't miss. Thanks!!
  22. My bad. By "OP", I meant the person who made the statement I was referring to (in this case, @Nextmanup).
  23. I think what the OP was saying was, “but I hope he will not be the booth again.”
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