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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I'm with you. At the very least, it will give us a sense of how serious Nix and the Bills were about that.
  2. You might want to look just a wee bit down on the first page for a thread already on this topic.
  3. The last story in there, the one from the Star-Ledger, is particularly interesting. It's from when Marrone took over the job at Syracuse.
  4. Interesting story. I can't help but think how ridiculous that grown man looks in that picture. On topic, all I can say is that PSLs are simultaneously the biggest rip-off and the most brilliant money-making ploy in sports. I don't think the Bills could use that model, at least not in the next couple of decades, but if they ever do -- that's the end of season tickets for me, that's for sure. I will never pay for a PSL. It's offensive.
  5. Again, as critical as I've been about Lovie, this scenario is starting to grow on me.
  6. Blather all you want, you're the only one who's sounding ridiculous here. Freddie was an MVP candidate and a certain Pro Bowl player before his injury last season, and everyone was loving him. The vast majority of people agreed he was grossly underpaid for his performance and (to that point) his durability, and most thought he deserved an extension to make sure he finished his career with us. You can revise history all you want, but you're not going to find too many others here who agree with you. But by all means, continue your crusade, it's quite entertaining to watch.
  7. Oh please. I wish people would stop with the ridiculous "Bills fans can never be happy" garbage. We're just trying to be thorough and objective in our opinions, instead of just blindly accepting. Like I've said elsewhere, I could be okay with Lovie, but its not like the guy is the second coming. Some of us have concerns that he may not be the guy to get us a championship, given the glaring problems he had at his previous job. Nothing wrong with pointing it out.
  8. It's about time folks like you made yourselves heard.
  9. As critical as I've been of Lovie, I could be on board with this. The problem is that Lovie hasn't displayed the ability to suceed at #2 in his eight-year run with the Bears, so I'm not sure he can suddenly find a good one so easily.
  10. Missed the playoffs five of the last six seasons. Four offensive coordinators in eight years of head coaching, offense never finished ranked higher than 23rd, four times ranked 28th or lower. Less-than-stellar record against teams with a winning record. That probably has something to do with it.
  11. Sure, but after all that Philly has been through, why wouldn't the same apply to them and their fans?
  12. It seems to me they did wait for the offseason, unlike what you said. They saw how the season went, and rewarded him. Hence, it was nothing like the Jauron or Fitz deals that occurred in mid-season. Freddie was playing like a beast and he was being grossly underpaid for it. At the time, everyone knew that and agreed. He deserved a raise, and the Bills came through for him. I think that speaks highly of the organization, and I'm betting the players took notice of that. It's a good thing. They could have waited yet another season before rewarding Freddie, but it's likely he would have been unhappy and maybe even held out in the preseason. Just because, in hindsight, you have the benefit of seeing the next injury and Spiller's performance doesn't mean everyone knew that would happen last offseason. This isn't even in the same stratosphere as the Jauron and Fitz deals.
  13. Correct. No contract negotiations until the team is knocked out of the playoffs (or they win the Super Bowl, I guess).
  14. What I find most interesting is that the talking heads on ESPN and NFL Network all seemed to agree that Reid's best fit was in Chicago, and they all expected him to end up there. He didn't even interview with the Bears, much less end up the coach.
  15. I don't know. I've always been very wary of college coaches with no prior NFL experience coming to the NFL, but after seeing a few guys do it successfully, and then hearing and seeing Kelly's body of work, the idea of an innovative, highly sucessful college guy like him is starting to grow on me.
  16. Did anyone here know that Lombardi was an assistant coach with the Giants before coaching for Green Bay?
  17. According to the Chicago Tribune: "After the Super Bowl, the Bears appeared set up to be a strong contender for a while. But they failed to reach the playoffs the next three seasons and have made only one postseason appearance in the six seasons since." More to know: Tribune Linky
  18. Is there really a person called Optimus Klein? Seriously? How great is that.
  19. I agree, this concerns me. The guy was around for 8 seasons and tried four different offensive coordinators. Only once did the team finish ranked higher than 23rd in offense. They ranked 28th or lower four times, which is half of his tenure. Great defensive mind, but he proved to me, over a considerable period of time, that he could not get the job done on the offensive side. That's not what I'm looking for.
  20. I can't imagine a better 3rd down back. Blocks great, catches great, strong runner, great team player. Aside from a recent case of fumblitis, what else could you possibly want?
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