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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I'm a little surprised he didn't mention anything about the Byrd situation.
  2. I swear, the instant I turned 40 my eyesight started to go. I'm 46 now and I can't read anything within two feet of my eyes without reading glasses. It's amazing how much longer it takes to get in shape, or how quickly it takes to lose it once you're in decent shape.
  3. Well, he didn't say he saw him recently.
  4. Am I having deja vu all over again?
  5. Wow, that was totally worth it.
  6. It's all just part of the grand plan for your signature....
  7. I don't think I can comment on EJ3's logic, but isn't this more than just about signing the right and wrong players? It's about paying top dollar for individual components of a whole, and how many times you can get away with that. We paid Fred Jackson, and Stevie, and Fitz, but these were guys we didn't break the bank for. We did pay Mario, presumably because we thought the payoff was worth it. But can we have a defense with the top paid defensive player and the top paid safety? We have some cap space to work with, but if we want to retain some of the key players on this team moving forward (Wood, Spiller, Dareus) eventually you'll have to decide which of them you can keep, because you can't have them all. If letting Byrd go elsewhere means we can keep a handful of good core players, then it might be worth it, especially if the front office thinks one of the new guys is capable enough. Personally, I would love to see Byrd stay; I'm sick and tired of seeing our good young players leave after they've established themselves. But this is more about the long-term vision, I would guess.
  8. Awesome stuff. I still don't understand how Utah allowed a brunette to take the state crown here, considering nearly the entire female population is blonde (naturally or unnaturally). I think it's the official state hair color. I agree, not quite at the same level of spectacle as Miss South Carolina, but a worthy follow-up.
  9. Makes me wonder what the definition of an "independent" studio is.
  10. Finally. A holiday for me!
  11. I've done quite a few things in my life "just for the hell of it," but I can say with certainty that this never entered into the realm of possibility for me.
  12. Whatever happened to that LB from the Jets that everyone assumed would sign with the Bills once Pettine came over? Still out there?
  13. Crap, that must mean our defense sucks. Doomed!
  14. I haven't heard that. I've seen interviews where he says he's planning on telling the story until it's done, which he planned for seven books (maybe eight, depending on how big they get). Either way, I'm not troubled...I'm completely fascinated by his writing. His attention to detail and subtle foreshadowing are really excellent.
  15. Wow, that looked pretty damn cool.
  16. I watched seasons 1 and 2 before starting to read the books, so I knew most of the action in the first two books before reading them. And I have to tell you, it didn't diminish the experience at all. Now, I will say that Book 3 is absolutely spectacular, and I'm glad I read that one before seeing this last season, but I still think it will be very much worth it to read the books even after seeing the first three seasons. I'd definitely do it -- GRRM is a really good writer.
  17. Speak for yourself, big guy.
  18. Well, somebody was needed to fill Bruschi's old role, I suppose...
  19. Agree, tough one. Sorry to hijack the thread with that, but it certainly seemed warranted.
  20. Nice story. Even better, I caught this link on that same page: Kate Upton nearly busts out of her top on movie set (Warning: possibly NSFW, but not nearly as much as I'd hoped)
  21. I don't know, this just strikes me as someone trying to stir the pot in a slow news period for the NFL. If they wanted to, they could do the same for us by pointing out that EJ is "getting the fewest reps of all the QBs except for Tuel, indicating the first-rounder might be a long way from being ready to start at QB for the Bills."
  22. Yeah, that really does suck for them.
  23. Book Three (Storm of Swords) was just fantastic, and I've been waiting for this episode for a while. I thought they did a nice job, despite a few changes from the book. Even knowing what was going to happen, it was still quite shocking.
  24. Next year will be the 70th anniversary of D-Day. If my 91-year-old stepfather is healthy enough, I'll be going there for it with him. He drove one of the landing crafts for the British navy at Juno.
  25. That's good to hear. Especially at the center position.
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