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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Add an Airport Express (or two, as needed). I have an AirPort Extreme in the cental basement, and two Express units in the front and back of the house. Gives me excellent signal out in the front yard and back yard.
  2. You got that right, man. I'd love to hear what he would think of EJ and Marrone.
  3. Astro, you're the best. Thanks for another great report.
  4. So to summarize... - not all knee injuries are the same - not all knee surgeries/procedures are the same - not all individuals recover the same - we have no idea what the injury is, what the procedure was, or how long he'll be out, other than it was "minor". Got it.
  5. :worthy: Excellent work, as always. Is this something you might keep up in the regular season?
  6. That, my friend, is the truth. Outstanding!
  7. Happy birthday, wherever you may be!
  8. Astro, you're the greatest. I love this stuff...nay, I need this stuff.
  9. MRI negative, nothing to see here. Linky
  10. Thanks, Astro, great to see you're back at it. Love this stuff! Good to hear about Troup. Sounds like we've heard nothing but encouraging things from him so far.
  11. So your interpretation is that he was whining at the sidelines because Tuel couldn't get him the ball? I see. Not that there couldn't be several other explanations for what you saw.
  12. What makes you conclude this is what he was doing? I've watched the replay several times now, and I didn't get that impression at all.
  13. Loved it. Thanks for putting the time and effort into that.
  14. Thanks, Bill, great stuff as usual. On another point, I thought the kickoff coverage unit was pretty darn awesome. Holy hell those gunners were getting down the field fast and making good solid tackles. Oh, and no comments about Hopkins? Sure didn't help himself out with those first few kickoffs.
  15. You mean we can't do both at the same time?
  16. Point well taken! That is precisely what I intended to imply.
  17. It's DNR and DOA, baby. Now somebody get me a drink!
  18. Portland's a nice town. Spent a couple days there not too long ago and I enjoyed walking around it. Nice to hear there is a BB club there. As to Nanker's point, I'm really waiting for the day Brady retires, if not just to see how quickly Pats* fans find something better to do on Sundays.
  19. I have to admit, you lost me on that one. Regardless, I am actually contractually bound to a single mea culpa per thread (it was a special addendum to the TBD terms of service that Scott had me agree to, as quid pro quo for my signing bonus), so you and the rest of the denigrated masses are, as a matter of fact, out of luck on this one.
  20. No kidding. What, one mea culpa isn't enough for this crowd?
  21. Fair enough, although Lucas is credited with the story (not necessarily the screenplay). I suspect this is the way of representing the influence and final say he had over most aspects of the story. Lots of people like V, and think its the best of the series. I'm not saying I didn't like it, but there are parts of the story and dialogue that are irritatingly simple and shallow, which I guess is my way of saying childish. Every interaction that Luke has with Yoda makes me cringe. V was the movie where R2D2, C3PO, and Chewie began the transition from real characters into toys. Personally, I never liked the way they handled the Lando character (way too shallow), or they way they handled dead Obi Wan (just let the character die gracefully, please). To me, all of those facets of the story were like they were written by an adolescent. That's just my opinion, though, and I recognize that there are good parts to V, and that many people liked it a lot. Hell, I liked it. It's probably a bit much for me to characterize it as "childish," I'll admit, like VI certainly is. Maybe better to say its "adolescent."
  22. We're not going to let this go, I see.
  23. To be fair, the article does name "any team from Florida" and does discuss the Jags.
  24. Fun read, thanks. I think for them, like it is for most teams I suppose, it comes down to the line play. Their O-line needs to give Tanny time or, like you said, he implodes. I recall reading a story online a week or so back that talked about how Martin was not doing well for them. They need him to step it up or they have some big problems. Same for their D-line -- they really need them to be stout against the run, or they're in for a long season. But I suppose none of this is great insight that doesn't apply to anyone, really. One thing you could say for the Bills is that at least we have a QB that can make something out of nothing if the protection fails.
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