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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Well, somebody was needed to fill Bruschi's old role, I suppose...
  2. Agree, tough one. Sorry to hijack the thread with that, but it certainly seemed warranted.
  3. Nice story. Even better, I caught this link on that same page: Kate Upton nearly busts out of her top on movie set (Warning: possibly NSFW, but not nearly as much as I'd hoped)
  4. I don't know, this just strikes me as someone trying to stir the pot in a slow news period for the NFL. If they wanted to, they could do the same for us by pointing out that EJ is "getting the fewest reps of all the QBs except for Tuel, indicating the first-rounder might be a long way from being ready to start at QB for the Bills."
  5. Yeah, that really does suck for them.
  6. Book Three (Storm of Swords) was just fantastic, and I've been waiting for this episode for a while. I thought they did a nice job, despite a few changes from the book. Even knowing what was going to happen, it was still quite shocking.
  7. Next year will be the 70th anniversary of D-Day. If my 91-year-old stepfather is healthy enough, I'll be going there for it with him. He drove one of the landing crafts for the British navy at Juno.
  8. That's great news. It would be pretty amazing to see all draft picks signed long before training camp.
  9. I am this horribly disturbing combination of #9 and #11. I can't imagine anybody enjoys being around me during a game.
  10. Ryan riled as Sanches throws three picks in Jets' OTA
  11. Perhaps, but you have to know the naysayers will always counter with... So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
  12. Well, I'll give them this. By the end of every season, I'm apathetic to the point of numbness, and I could hardly care what happens in the post-season or off-season. It was especially true last season, knowing we'd be starting all over again. But they did a pretty good job dragging my ass back in, and now I'm eager to see what this new group can do. Dammit, they did it to me again.
  13. Can't wait for our CSA and farmer's market to start up here. The one here in Salt Lake was tiny when I first moved here 15 years ago, now it's enormous.
  14. What, are you saying "Strive for Mediocrity" wasn't getting the job done?
  15. As for Romo, throwing for just below 5,000 yards in a season is nothing to sneeze at.
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