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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Thanks again, Astro. Is this going to be the last one? I think there is only one more practice at SJF before they go back to Buffalo, but I don't recall if its open to the public. If that's the finale, I tip my hat to you, sir. You made the summer that much better.
  2. I don't believe the new drop technique is for hang time or distance; it's for dropping the ball inside the 10 with more of a backspin to prevent it from going in the end zone. My worry is that the defense isn't going to be quite as awesome as we all think it's going to be. Not for any particular reason other than cynicism. George Edwards and Friggin' Dave Wannstedt will do that to you.
  3. Yeah, but they get a pass because they, you know, beat the Pats*.
  4. I think it's almost as much "the Brad Smith dilemma" as it is "the DaRick Rogers dilemma".
  5. Wait, so why wasn't every TV in the TV section tuned into the game?
  6. If your draft gives you two starters and two decent backups, that's a pretty good draft, I'd say. I still want to see if Moats and Easley do, actually, make decent backups, though.
  7. This thread is certainly heading in the right direction.
  8. For some reason, I still remember that game at Kansas City a few years back, the one that went to overtime. Lindell nailed something like a 50-yarder, which I think would have won it (can't remember for sure), but the Chiefs called timeout before he kicked it. He then proceeded to shank the follow-up. Damn, that ticked me off. Nevertheless, classy guy, a great kicker, and a real professional. Glad he was a Buffalo Bill.
  9. Add an Airport Express (or two, as needed). I have an AirPort Extreme in the cental basement, and two Express units in the front and back of the house. Gives me excellent signal out in the front yard and back yard.
  10. You got that right, man. I'd love to hear what he would think of EJ and Marrone.
  11. Astro, you're the best. Thanks for another great report.
  12. So to summarize... - not all knee injuries are the same - not all knee surgeries/procedures are the same - not all individuals recover the same - we have no idea what the injury is, what the procedure was, or how long he'll be out, other than it was "minor". Got it.
  13. :worthy: Excellent work, as always. Is this something you might keep up in the regular season?
  14. Happy birthday, wherever you may be!
  15. Astro, you're the greatest. I love this stuff...nay, I need this stuff.
  16. MRI negative, nothing to see here. Linky
  17. Thanks, Astro, great to see you're back at it. Love this stuff! Good to hear about Troup. Sounds like we've heard nothing but encouraging things from him so far.
  18. So your interpretation is that he was whining at the sidelines because Tuel couldn't get him the ball? I see. Not that there couldn't be several other explanations for what you saw.
  19. What makes you conclude this is what he was doing? I've watched the replay several times now, and I didn't get that impression at all.
  20. Loved it. Thanks for putting the time and effort into that.
  21. Thanks, Bill, great stuff as usual. On another point, I thought the kickoff coverage unit was pretty darn awesome. Holy hell those gunners were getting down the field fast and making good solid tackles. Oh, and no comments about Hopkins? Sure didn't help himself out with those first few kickoffs.
  22. Point well taken! That is precisely what I intended to imply.
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