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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I love Robey. I don't care that he gave up two TDs to the Saints, he had pretty damn good coverage on both, and the receivers just made great plays. Otherwise he has been outstanding.
  2. The Steelers tied it up 24-24 in the 3rd quarter. By the start of the 4th quarter, it was a 3-point game with the Pats* ahead, 27-24. The shellacking occurred pretty much just in the 4th quarter.
  3. Absolutely. Right now Bradham/Moats is a much larger liability than Chandler, IMHO.
  4. Man, it wasn't long ago when this guy was considered one of the best in the business.
  5. I think you should be changing your username for this week, at least. The striking thing is that the phrase works with either Manuel or Tuel.
  6. It's just so hard to believe that we're only halfway through the season and we're already talking about our fourth option at quarterback this year. I mean, seriously, WTF? Who the hell hates us so much?
  7. Nice story, written by an excellent reporter and a good friend. But do note: We'll see.
  8. Post of the day right there. Whomever gets the call at QB this week, whether it's Tuel or Flynn or Lewis, expect KC to throw the kitchen sink at him. They'll be blitzing, stacking, baiting, and confusing him. At least it will be at home...
  9. Does that seriously say 455 yards rushing in one game?
  10. Putting Tuel in there against the #5 defense in the league sounds like a pretty solid plan, though.
  11. For some reason, the yahoos at Yahoo decided to rank all 32 teams in terms of their neediness at QB for next year's draft. The Bills are way down there at #23: Interesting notes: New England* is up there at #16 ("Tom Brady is aging more quickly these days"). New Orleans and Drew Brees is right behind them at #17. Miami, Buffalo, and the NYets are #22, #23, and #24. There are actually four teams ahead of Tampa and Mike Glennon. Discuss...
  12. Jesus, if this team didn't have ****ty luck, we'd have no luck at all.
  13. Good stuff. The main things I got from that: - Thad needs to do a better job at recognizing the blitz and looking for the right hot read - The WRs need to do a better job at recognizing a blitz and going to a hot route - Our backup RBs (Choice, Summers) need to do a better job recognizing the blitz and picking up the right guy - Chandler is a much better receiver than blocker - Our offensive line is really not a big part of the problem Most of those above are related to the younger, less experienced players. That will come with time, I think. I hope they get it together before Sunday.
  14. I'm with you on this. I think the rumors of his demise have been greatly exaggerated. While I hope this is the case, I won't be putting any nails in that coffin until he's clearly going down.
  15. I don't know...the mug shot isn't very flattering.
  16. If it's the one I remember, where Gilmore clearly should have been called for pass interference, I don't think the receiver caught it. Dierdork couldn't believe he wasn't flagged on the play.
  17. Great stuff, thanks for sharing that, Ken.
  18. Maybe it's all just a smoke screen to confuse the Saints.
  19. Of course that's true. But the question is: if the Bills get hammered, what does that mean? Will we need to fire some coach or cut some player? Cause that's probably what it will seem like around here.
  20. Not sure why, but that definitely made me LOL.
  21. It was like watching the teams' final preseason game, with all the scrubs playing.
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