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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Not sure which you're referring to, but obviously the Pennington juke was against the Jets. The Bledsoe naked bootleg call was at home in mid season against the Pats*, in what I recall was one of the high profile "rematches" of Bledsoe against his former team. The Bills kept it close but, as I recall, needed a score in the 4th quarter to stay in it, and faced a tough 3rd or 4th down conversion. Some jackass called a naked bootleg for Bledsoe, of all people, and it was easily snuffed out. He was crushed, ball came out, and returned for a TD to seal it. !@#$ing bastards. EDIT: ah yes, here is a great summary of the game from 2004 by David Staba from the NF Reporter. I used to love reading his pieces. Here is the URL: http://www.niagarafallsreporter.com/billstuff20046.html
  2. No potential buyers? I'd be willing to bet there will be plenty of potential buyers...just not ones that Buffalo fans would want.
  3. Eddie Robinson...vs. Chad Pennington. Also, Drew Bledsoe naked bootleg vs. the Pats in Buffalo. Sack, fumble, touchdown, game over.
  4. Exactly. The first thing I thought was, this only goes back to 2009?
  5. Not a chance. Football would effectively end for me. I'd probably still watch a few games here and there, but I wouldn't be rooting for anyone, much less the team that moved.
  6. I find it hard to believe that anyone is talking about EJ's performance today, especially after we put up 31 points. This defense is tragic. We have so much talent, and so little consistency. The sack numbers are dazzling, of course, but all that does is distract attention away from the fact that we continue to allow sub-par offenses to run at will, repeatedly convert 3rd-and-anythings without trouble, and score in the clutch. Everybody seems to be dogging Hackett, but I think if anything our defense is getting out-coached on a regular basis.
  7. I'll be one to admit I thought Cleveland had packed it in and was tanking it this year, with the hope of a brighter future. Looks like they knew exactly what they were doing.
  8. I find it extraordinarily hard to believe that the IRS could do anything until money actually changed hands. Ralph announcing that "Bills fans should rest easy that we're working on a plan to keep the Bills in Buffalo long after I pass" would go a long way toward easing public angst, and I can't possibly imagine the IRS would be able to intervene in any way. Not until money/ownership changed hands, at least. But I'm no expert.
  9. Necessary? Of course not. The question is understanding the reason why, if there is a plan in place, he wouldn't. What's to gain by leaving everyone in dread-filled suspense? More ticket sales?
  10. Just curious as to why you would think that is necessary given the consistent support Bills fans provide over the years despite the mediocrity on the field.
  11. That's a Bingo! I've been wondering that myself for quite some time.
  12. I'm still just amazed that, of all the fans we have on this board, one of them is actually a real live zookeeper.
  13. Yahoo has the Bills dropping three spots despite not playing last week.
  14. That was quite helpful, I'd agree. If we can just take care of business against the Falcons, things could be interesting come Monday.
  15. I thought the story has always been that the Bills will be sold to the highest bidder?
  16. We need a LB to replace Moats at least as much as a G, so I don't expect two OL in the first two picks next year, unless we score someone in FA.
  17. The touchdown bombs are awesome of course, but I thought it was at least as impressive that he was good at getting open and making catches for first downs in that Jets game -- without any other established WRs out there on the field with him.
  18. Obviously it depends on the circumstances, but typically the highs are in the 20s or 30s and the lows in the 10-20 range. But there's always the chance we could get hit with an inversion, where the temps in the valley can get stuck in the 10-20 range for weeks.
  19. I got one of those Bills lanyards after going to the big tailgate in San Diego a couple years back. Now I wear it every day with my work badges. I'm pretty amazed at how many comments that thing generates, even out here in Utah. Despite all the **** I get, I'll wear that thing until it falls apart.
  20. I have a sinking suspicion that the refs are piling up the bad calls on NE* for one big orgasmic payback of makeup calls in Week 17 with the Bills post-season on the line.
  21. Shhh...he is sensitive about his premature vacillation problem.
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