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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. So do we now think Marrone would still be sitting at 4-9 if he was hired by the Bears and inherited Jay Cutler, Brandon Marshall, Alshon Jeffrey, and Matt Forte rather than EJ Manuel, Stevie Johnson, Robert Woods, and CJ Spiller?
  2. Good point, that would eliminate all of the entertainment.
  3. Now that is just some classic stuff right there! :lol:
  4. In all fairness, it does seem like Sully has been making a concerted (perhaps too concerted) effort to try and be more positive this season, instead of the usual crabby jackass. To knock him now for reverting back to form isn't completely fair, given that most of us felt sick watching that "performance" on Sunday.
  5. I think there should be a requirement of at least 1,000 posts under your belt before you're allowed to respond to a 4mer thread.
  6. Have to agree with this. I can't recall a season where there have been so many ridiculously bad calls -- either terrible calls, or no-calls. I know there's probably some recall bias here, but I just seem to be flabbergasted week after week, and I can't remember it happening this frequently.
  7. Given your good instincts, and given that we could really use another playmaking OLB on this defense, who do you see as an option for us in round 1 or 2 next year?
  8. I like the topic, Bill, and the question of why the Bills are only 4-8 with this level of talent is one that I've thought a lot about this year. In addressing that question, I find it fascinating that so many people are pointing to the offense. I think the defense is as much, if not more, to blame for this. See today's BN article about the Bills inability to stop the run as Exhibit A. Sure, the offense is partly to blame as well, certainly with the need to play street free agents at QB for a handful of games. But overall, as I mentioned in some other post in some other thread, winning consistently comes down to four things: talent, preparation, discipline, and execution. I think we're getting there on the talent front. I think the preparation, discipline, and execution have been good at times and lacking at times. My personal opinion is that much of that inconsistency is due to the extreme youth of this team and the fact that we're implementing new systems on both offense and defense. There are good signs that both systems can be very successful, and that is what gives me hope for next season, assuming we can keep most of the pieces in place and add a few key ones in the offseason.
  9. Games are close every week. Often they come down to a play or two going one way or the other. We're 4-8 because we have the players and coaches that do whatever it is they do to blow those close chances more often than they succeed at them. It's not necessarily just the flip of a coin. Talent, discipline, preparation, execution...all of those things influence what happens at those key moments of the close games. For instance, you could say it was bad luck that EJ got injured against the Browns. But it wasn't. Or it was bad luck that we couldn't punch it in from the 1 against the Chiefs. But it wasn't. Or it was bad luck that Tuel didn't see SJ open in the end zone. But it wasn't. Or it was bad luck that the defender just happened to punch the ball in the exact perfect spot at the exact perfect time to make SJ/Chandler fumble. But it wasn't. Talent, discipline, preparation, execution. Some teams do it better than others.
  10. So even though his performance is on par with his best yet, and is statistically better than half the starting TEs in the league, we're not satisfied because he should be doing better? Not that I'm totally arguing that -- I do think a ruthless review of the roster needs to identify guys who are just "good". I'm just not sure I would qualify his year as "sub-par".
  11. When people say, "having a subpar year", what exactly are you referring to? He is on pace for career highs in catches and yards. He is currently 15th best in the league among TEs for catches and yards. He is actually on pace to finish with the second-most receiving yards by a tight end in franchise single-season history, second only to the legendary Paul Costa in 1967. That's more than Metzelaars, more than McKellar. This is all after coming back incredibly fast from a bad knee injury at the end of last season. He has one fumble on the season. Yes, it was a big one. Yes, his TD numbers are down from previous years. No, he is not an elite talent, and yes, I'd like to see someone more dominating at the position. But I'm still trying to understand how this all equates to a sub-par year.
  12. I don't recall, which playoff games did not sell out?
  13. No, but I would assume that they're more willing to take a hit on their budget when there is hope than when there isn't.
  14. I doubt it has anything to do with the passion of the fans. Bills fans are as passionate, or more, than anyone. It likely has more to do with availability of disposable income. Plenty of folks in Chicago willing and able to plunk down the $$$ for Cubs tickets no matter how bad they are. Not quite the same in Buffalo.
  15. Or at least a reach around. Oh come on, someone had to say it.
  16. Like I said, he's better than his predecessors, but the improvements are not as vast as some make them out to be. I'll give them another year in the same system to show continued improvement, but they still continue to surrender far too many yards both on the ground and in the air. They've struggled considerably more than just last week.
  17. Pettine is worlds better than his predecessors, but if you truly think he's "worked out" at this point, you haven't been watching the games very closely.
  18. If they're going to give some of the backups a few looks, I'd like to see them try one of the new guys at left guard. Legursky just ain't cuttin it.
  19. That's very cool. But how does it work on crowned fields like the Ralph?
  20. Glad someone had the balls to say it.
  21. I agree...and I think the best parts were the reviews of the chicken wings wherever he watched the game. I recall reading that he moved on from the NF Reporter to somewhere else, but even Googling has not revealed where. A Linked In account with his name doesn't reveal anything.
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