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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. We wait with patience for the team to develop under it's new players, coaches, and schemes, that's what. It takes time for rookie QBs to develop, and it takes time for teams to adjust and become comfortable with new schemes. Does anyone not think that our defense is going to be even better next year, with a full year of Pettine's scheme under their belts? They're just getting started.
  2. Thanks, man. I've been perfecting that science for years. Note that it also means that I will root for any team from a lower opposition group when they are playing a team from a higher opposition group in the Super Bowl. Interestingly, the teams from #2 and #3 are basically all NFC teams, and the teams from #1 are all AFC East teams, so that means anytime those teams face each other in the SB, I'd always root for the NFC team. So for instance, even though I hate the Cowboys with a passion, if they were playing against New England* in the SB, I'd root like hell for the Cowboys, and I wouldn't be shy about it either. This illness runs deep.
  3. It was started in this thread.
  4. Per today's D&C: "The Bills have held six of their last seven opponents under 200 net yards passing and now rank fifth in the NFL in pass defense, and third in yards per pass attempt."
  5. You might actually notice that most corners, even the top ones, do this on a regular basis. It's how the position needs to be played these days.
  6. Kinda like those two dropped passes by Gilmore. Those wouldn't have made a huge difference.
  7. Why would Lewis be gone? He's under contract through next year. His salary next year is around $645K.
  8. This is a tough one, really. I think Lewis is a very capable backup, but he does have his limitations. But that's the thing about backup QBs -- they're backups for a reason. They usually have limitations that prevent them from being quality starters. The things I like about Thad are that (1) he seems to play with confidence, and is not afraid to sling it around, (2) he is mobile, and can get himself out of trouble with his legs, and (3) the guys on the team really seem like they respect him and rally around him. His accuracy is a problem, but that doesn't really surprise me given how little he has played in his career to this point. I do think that if he was pressed into action for an extended period, his accuracy would improve. I'm comfortable with Lewis as the primary backup next year, with the chance that Tuel improves gradually to the point of replacing him. But I also wouldn't be grief stricken if the Bills go out and nab a veteran backup. As an aside, I thought it was grand how Sully claimed Lewis was "turnover-prone", and then proceeded to suggest Schaub as a replacement. He of 12 INTs in 10 games, a handful of which were pick 6s.
  9. I can't believe most of you are just listing one or a few teams. Don't you know there is an established science to this? It goes something like this, from strongest opposition to weakest opposition. 1. Division rivals are the worst. New England, Miami, and the NJ Jets are absolutely, positively NOT allowed to win. 2. Next comes teams that close friends, family, or coworkers are fans of. Why? Because I'm a miserable son of a B word, that's why. So for me, that means Chicago, Green Bay, and Miami (again) are ruled out. 3. Next comes teams that have beaten the Bills in the SB, so that rules out Dallas, Washington, and the NJ Giants. However, this is fading a bit with time. I still hate Dallas with a passion, but the Giants get a pass because of the fact that they bitchslapped New England twice. 4. And finally, the teams that have not yet won a SB because, as someone else pointed out, I don't want to see the Bills be the last team to have never won a SB. So that removes a whole slew of others. It includes Cincinnati, Cleveland, San Diego, Tennessee, Houston, Jacksonville, Carolina, Atlanta, Detroit, Minnesota, Philadelphia, Seattle, and Arizona. However, as mentioned, this is the group I oppose the least, and it wouldn't be that terrible if one of them won it. Of course, if the Bills ever do win a SB, this group is immediately absolved, and my life can return to normal. So who does that leave, really? Basically, it's any team that has already won a Super Bowl who isn't one of those teams mentioned above, which means: Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Denver, Oakland, Indianapolis, New Orleans, Tampa, San Francisco, or St. Louis. Not a big list, but again, I'm not categorically opposed to any of the teams in #4 above. So...yeah. There you go. This is the mental illness I deal with on an annual basis.
  10. I agree with you wholeheartedly. On the other hand, every time the Bills have had a chance to "send a message" in the past decade, they've fallen flat on their collective faces.
  11. I'm interested to hear Bill's take on Dareus, knowing that he was benched for the first quarter for repeated tardiness to meetings. What a shame, this guy can be fantastic if he can ever focus.
  12. No, we just need to trade him for a 1st or 2nd round pick.
  13. I would totally love to see a four TE set. Just think how that would mess with the defense.
  14. I think it would be great if the Bills front office held a public exorcism with a formal apology to those guys, while acknowledging that it very likely brought on the playoff curse. That would be awesome.
  15. Talent, discipline, preparation, execution. The Bills seem to be doing better on the talent acquisition side, but it's up to these coaches to improve the consistency of the other three. Some teams do it better than others. Those that do, end up winning those close games more than losing.
  16. You'd think after 14 straight years of having this conversation we'd get tired of it.
  17. Will everyone still be saying that if Thad comes out and lights it up on Sunday?
  18. Totally. Probably because we've seen so many of those QBs since, oh, Rob Johnson. That, and the QB who has enough pocket presence to just check down every time.
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