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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I don't really remember a lot of the episodes, but one that seems to stick in my mind is the one where Sulu gets trapped on that really cold planet and almost dies waiting for the crew to get him. For some reason, I always thought it was cool that he generated heat by using his phaser on a rock. By the way, and I'm not kidding here, Spock is a blood relative of mine. Distant, but related. It's always hard to remember, but I think he's my second cousin, once removed.
  2. I heard GRRM at one point admitted that he probably made the kids in the books too young. Should have made them a little older.
  3. It seems like they're growing her up a bit more quickly than in the books at this point. She is giving the impression that she understands the power she could hold over Littlefinger -- and others -- but I didn't get that (yet) from the books.
  4. Robey gets a would-be sack on a corner blitz in OTAs. There. Everybody feeling better now?
  5. Or Bobby Chandler at WR.
  6. Does anyone with more knowledge than me about PSLs understand how they work? If you pay $3K for a PSL, is that a one-time purchase that cannot change? In other words, if the Bills decide five years later to increase the cost of PSLs to $5K, do existing PSL owners have to pay the difference? Also, if a PSL owner chooses not to buy season tickets in a particular year, does that typically mean the PSL is forfeited? Does the owner get the PSL license money automatically refunded?
  7. That's right. And not one !@#$ing day earlier.
  8. Excellent movie. Not sure I'd list it in my top five of all time, but absolutely worth the watch.
  9. Apparently, the best movie of all time is Empire Strikes Back.
  10. Yep, this one's starting to get some good air time here. Should be fun.
  11. I agree completely. SLC did fairly well when the Olympics were here, and I've always felt like we should host it again because we already built a lot of the infrastructure for it. Plus, many of the facilities are still used extensively. For instance, the speed skating rink is always in use and hosts competitions (including world championships) all the time. The ski jumps are also used year round for training purposes, and many other Olympic athletes come here to train for the facilities. I went to the ski jumps this past winter to check out the museum there (which was cool), and while on a tour they guide did say that SLC is preparing a bid for another Olympic games. I think he said 2026, though. EDIT: yeah, looks like 2026. No American city is bidding on 2022. 2026 remains a possibility, though some of it will depend on who gets the 2024 Summer games. There's also a web site dedicated to the 2026 SLC bid.
  12. That movie is like a four-car pileup. A whole lot of pain, but I can't help but look whenever I see it.
  13. I'm not even sure Schindler's List is the best movie about the Holocaust. The Pianist is fabulous.
  14. What, no votes for Casablanca?
  15. I recall seeing a story online a while back about one of the female cast members being opposed to showing further nudity. I don't think the specific cast member was named, but if I recall correctly the general thought was that it was Daenerys. Ah, here it is, from a year ago: 'Game of Thrones' actress refuses more nude scenes, cast member claims
  16. Ah yes, that is correct. A great twist, now that I recall.
  17. Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. It's been a tough week, but we're getting through it. One thing that I found helpful was to read this book: Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die Jon is a really good writer and has a great perspective on pets, particularly dogs, and the role they play in our lives. I miss her terribly, but eventually I'll be able to move on.
  18. No kidding. Yikes.
  19. It was pretty much the same with ours. The only thing the cancer was doing was obstructing the outlet of her bladder, making it difficult for her to pee. We knew eventually it would become too much of a problem to keep going, despite the fact that she was still very energetic, not in pain, and enjoying life, but we didn't know how long it would take. Eventually her life was a complete preoccupation with peeing, to the point where she was barely sleeping much at night, just going out hour after hour. When she started leaking, we knew it was time. We had an in-home vet come and do the euthanasia, so she could be at home in her yard when she left us. That really helped, I think.
  20. Yeah, they really did a nice job setting that up.
  21. I can't recall exactly, but I think it was a guard. Littlefinger pegged the death on him, and I believe he was hanged for it.
  22. Yeah, we got her from the Humane Society. I remember when we went there to find a dog, my only request to the wife was that I wanted a lower-energy, runt-of-the-pack dog, not a high-energy, bounce-off-the-walls dog. We found Ginger, and she seemed to fit the bill. As we were signing the papers, one of the workers walked by and said, "Hey, great, you guys are getting Tornado." Turns out when we found her, she was just tired out from playing with other customers all day. Turned out she was exactly the opposite of what I wanted. Little did I know, she was exactly what I wanted. How little we know of ourselves. I'm not sure when we'll start thinking about another dog (we still have one who's also 15 but going strong), but in the last year a "Best Friends" no-kill rescue facility opened up at the end of our street. We'll probably volunteer there for a while once the other dog is gone, then maybe look into adopting only older dogs.
  23. Nothing against Caleb, but I just think it would be cool to have a guy named Ramses on the team.
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