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Posts posted by Rubes

  1. 22 minutes ago, JakeFrommStateFarm said:

    A real shame.


    I was hoping the Bills would get another crack at burrow and the bengals to prove we could beat them.


    Don't worry, I'm sure by some quirk of the NFL schedule we'll get to play them in Cincinnati every year for the next 6 years.


    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Livinginthepast said:

    You have to laugh at all these awful traumatic memories. 12th man was just another in a long line of debacles in being a Bills fan. Yes other teams lose games in crushing fashion but no team has had as many crushing, soul destroying losses as the Bills. No fan base has ever had the perfect quadrafecta of pain with bumbling plays, bad officiating, terrible coaching and just bad luck as the Bills. No team has lost 4 straight SB's. No other NFL team lost on a homerun throwback. And all these awful losses without one SB ! I could at least comfort myself if they had won one SB but NO!!


    I say this all the time to my friend, a Browns fan, and he gives it right back to me. That's one fan base that could easily equal us in terms of torture.


  3. 1 hour ago, Shaw66 said:

    Look at the scores in the Bills' losses:  22-16, 25-20, 29-25, 24-18, 24-22.  It's a team that has a defense that keeps the Bills in games, despite their injuries.  It's a team should have a top-5 offense with Allen but instead has an offense putting up numbers that are no better than ordinary.


    Shaw, this was an outstanding post, I agree with everything you said. I couldn't have said it better myself.


    With regard to the quote above, I think you nailed it here: McD's defense, especially with the injuries, has played reasonably well. This isn't a D designed to dominate other teams; this is a D designed to keep teams to 25 points or less. That's what this team needs, when you have the QB and the offense we (should) have. As long as the O does what it knows it can do—score 30 or more with relative ease—then the D is more than enough to carry them to victory. It's when games are tight at the end when you see the weaknesses of the D show up and occasionally get exploited, but this team was designed to have a big enough lead at the end of games to make that a non-factor.


    The offense wasn't doing its job, plain and simple. McD held the defense together and had them performing admirably, I would say well enough, but the offense was the one letting us down game after game. Dorsey couldn't adjust and find the answer.


  4. 5 hours ago, Ballhawk said:

    2020 AFC Wildcard game against Houston registers high on the pain index for me. Thought we had that one locked down, I guess blowing leads doesn't stand out anymore!


    Not to mention getting screwed by the refs on the 2nd half kickoff that should have been a touchdown. Instead, the refs interpreted the kick returner's intention, despite the rules, and then the league changed the rules so nothing like that could happen again.




    • Like (+1) 3
  5. 1 minute ago, Gugny said:

    The problem is that Allen isn’t part of the difference; he’s part of the problem. 

    I can’t think of a player who looks more disengaged than Josh when the chips are down. 

    As a supposed leader, the rest of the team feeds off of that. 


    He was totally engaged in the 13 second game, trying to fire everybody up, especially on defense. Fat lot of good that did.


  6. 4 minutes ago, dave mcbride said:

    Great post, but I would add that having Allen as more of a running threat will be key to their success. He's an X factor for defenses in that regard, but until the last couple of games they shied away from it (for kinda stupid reasons, in my view; every injury he's had has been in the pocket). I also think the Bills were blinded by the Raiders game a bit, where he didn't really run and they had massive success anyway. The Raiders suck, but against better teams they need to stress the defense with his running ability. 


    Makes you wonder if Allen's running, and the threat of him running, basically overshadowed the lack of a true running game, and kept defenses out of Cover 2 more. Now, without the threat of him running, and without any semblance of a running game, defenses can now make life as difficult for us as they want.


    • Like (+1) 1
    • Agree 6
  7. 35 minutes ago, DrPJax said:

         Mcd is having his worst year since he started.  Let’s forgive the injury bug, but small and fast guys on defense seem to get injured just as quickly as thEIR 40 times.  What happened to earning your snaps ?  I get Von is paid 120 miL to spectate, but he didnt even know the teams record was 5-3 prior to the game in an interview. Not engaged enough to know the actual record despite all the podcasts , endorsements and providing cute sound bites like dont blink!  Maybe at least dont blink long enough to actually know the teams record you now have 120 mil $ paying for your podcast equipment and chicken feed. Is that too much to ask of a ‘superstar”?  


    He is less than a year out from the acl repair and so far his  main contribution has been failed recruitment of every other aging star searching for one last bag ’ and i did see him biting or grabbing the ankle of a qb in one game , ala Monty pythons black knight who was limbless yet yelling he would bite the other passing knights kneecaps !  Nothing of significance  since the injury. That’s ok and to be expected at his age and less than a year fro surgery.

         BUT mcd preaches earning snaps and you can not convince me had they not made the desperate 120 mil $ deal for a vet, he would never in any other  scenarios be out there actually making the defense worse if mcds philosophy was consistent and his actions meant more than his obsessive dependence on vets over developing younger talent. You  dont think players are aware of these inconsistencies?  Especially as the losses mount? You could tell at practice and certainly within one series, if he does not belong on the field yet in crtical game situations , like last nites last series, there he was being beaten .  Stats  don’t lie , but  mcds coach speak is getting more insufferable. 2 guys off the street looked more in place than Von did AT THIS TIME    It’s not consistent with his process message that is also wearing extremely thin.  This whole process now rings  hollow and the results dont lie, this team is at a crossroads as they, imo, are very unlikely to make the playoffs and even if they somehow do, this is by far the team most likely to make a one and done appearance.  They are what their record says they are now as we are past the halfway point. It’s not like i am making some profound hot take; every analyst who saw the bllls as SB CONTENDERS LAST YEAR, HAve  all referred to them as frauds, pretenders with no identity, and almost ever one Has agreed their SB WINDOW HAS OFFICIALLY CLOSED!  Hey , in josh’s vernacular , these guys get paid too!  Hard to believe they are all misinterpreting what they are seeing. 


    New guys on defense are irrelevant to this putrid , faceless offense , and TD Lenny will in all likelihood go the way of last years RB addition ,,,maybe catching a few passes because Dorsey ‘s offense will prob be too complicated for the Lombardi winning TD Lenny to displace cook, or our two other powerhouse backs. Once eliminated , TD Lenny may somehow end up on the ir once he realizes backs and Dorsey are oxymorons!  Yet , i still saw some content providers expecting us to finish 13-4 or with a flurry where we are favorites from the wildcard spot or still win the east. Talk about seeing the glass as half full; i don’t think that’s meant to be meaning you drank the firs half before your podcast!  Lol.  Gotta laugh or you are going to make yourself sick. 


     Delusions are difficult to eradicate.  It’s in reality a bad year , with bad injuries , but i dont understand the disconnect that allows some to believe josh Will stop leading the league in ints and go two games in a row without a turnover; i mean its a trend since 2018 if i am correct. I really like him as an athlete , but this coaching staff has turned him into a joyless , indecisive , defensive PR machine for a head coach obsessed with process, yet terrible with game time decisions and one of the worst at challenges , blown time outs , and a leader of one of the poorest tackling and idiotic penalty producing teams this side of jauron and REX Ryan.  The big question is in the face of needing funding to continue for the new great stadium , doe PEGULA have the balls without his beloved , fully functional KIM (GODSPEED) to make the decision we all see is needed before we are forced into another decade of journeyman QBs, and mercifully hire an offensive minded coach


         .  Let’s  see what beane might be capable of out from under mcds thumb.   It’s tough to face these things , but its folly to ignore them and bury ones head in the sand as the fins, bengals, ravens, eagles, chiefs , jags all keep making a strides with creative offensive play calling and we are stuck adding more assets  to an overly inflated d line , backed by dbs that hold or get flagged for pi routinely on third and long and blitz leaving Po or Hyde trailing receivers at least once a game as we now give up copious explosive plays.  


          It’s not jet lag , it’s coaching lag now, and the best solution is letting it play out , and realizing its only possible to progress with change!  Remember . No qb /coaching duo has won  a SB  if they didnt do it within 5 years.  It’s not hyperbole that this window has closed, and its time for those new hurricane proof windows heading into that new glorious , well deserved home for the greatest fan base of them all ,,,aka the MAFIA!  We all endured  4 straight SB  losses , wide right, music city miracle , 13 seconds, at least one Hail Mary , playoff blown leads , and not one recent SB APPEARANCE..  COME ON MAN , IS IT REASONABLE TO BE ASKED TO HAVE TO ENDURE MORE NONSENSICAL PROCESS TALK AND A OFFENSIVE MIND WHO GOES TO A SHOTGUN RUN ON THE HALF YARD LINE?     Remember , no one is twisting your arm to buy the probably required seat license fees just to have the chance to buy a seat to endorse being one of the few franchises to have no Lombardi trophy to display at their  glorious venue. The teams STAYING IN BUFFALO. As the saying goes, much is expected to whom much has been given!  It’s the BILLS TURN TO GIVE , AND FORGIVE ME MCD , YOU ARE A WONDERFUL MAN, PERHAPS GREAT DC, BUT YOU HAVE BEEN SURPASSED AS A HC.  HEY, EDMUNDS LOOKED OK AS A LB UNTIL WE TOOK THAT CHANCE AND LOOK WHAT  POSITIVE a  simple CHANGE MADE.   This franchise is treading water now, it might just flourish!  Best wishes , enjoy each game as the season flies by.  Have fun , dont attack others as no matter how you slice it, there’s always two sides! It’s harder to think, that’s why so many are judgemental.  Nothing like reverting to  name calling , right mr unlimited bettor?    Too funny!








    Holy smokes, dude.

  8. Just now, Bruffalo said:

    I think the O-Line looks worse than they are in reality precisely because of Dorsey.  It feels like the defense always knows what we're doing (and we succeed in spite of that), and I think that puts a lot more strain on the players to execute, because there's no creativity.  

    On the hurry up we succeed as a unit. Why is that? To me, it seems like it's because Dorsey has less involvement in play decisions during those up tempo moments.  

    You definitely have a good point there, it sure does seem that way at times.


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. Just now, SoCal Deek said:

    He was infuriating to watch his first year or two. He is again. Everything comes around.

    He was infuriating but also exciting, and you could see the potential just bursting at the seams. Now he just seems on edge, ready to make a head scratching play at any moment.

  10. 42 minutes ago, Beck Water said:


    Third round pick, but we get a 5th back



    Wonder which 3rd it is, ours or the potential comp we got for Tre Edmunds?


    Well, we don't officially have the comp pick for Edmunds yet, and won't until later, so as of this point in time it doesn't exist. It's our current 3rd pick.


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