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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Yep. Also thought it was interesting that the quotes are that it's Pegula and his wife that are interested, not just Pegula himself.
  2. Count me in the group that doesn't care a whole lot about who buys the franchise, as long as they keep the thing in Buffalo. So yeah, this is great news. Sorry if this was asked elsewhere, but do Pegula or Golisano have kids? I mean, heirs?
  3. Those anesthesiologists are trouble, I tell you. One of the things they try to teach you when you start residency is to never, ever prescribe medications for friends and family members outside of the office, no matter who it is or what it is. Somehow it will come back and bite you in the ass. It's difficult to turn down your spouse or good friend, but you'll be glad you did. They never did teach us about sexting, though...
  4. That might work, but I wonder if that's too much of an advancement of the Brienne/Pod story.
  5. That was just the first day of battle, still many thousands of wildlings left. I thought they generally did a great job with the battle. Stannis will show up in the last episode to save the day, as expected. One thing I don't remember -- does Jon go beyond the Wall before the war is over? Not sure exactly where they're going with Arya/Hound, although they've set things up with his festering neck wound. I think the last episode will feature four major events -- the Stannis rescue, the Hound's "death", and they have to include Tyrion's revenge. The big question...do they reveal the fate of Catelyn to leave everyone hanging at the very end?
  6. My stepfather was in the British Navy during D-day, and drove one of the landing crafts at Juno beach. We were set to go to the 70th reunion in Normandy (right now), but he fell last September, broke his hip, and ended up passing away shortly thereafter. He was 92. He would have really liked that.
  7. I don't really remember a lot of the episodes, but one that seems to stick in my mind is the one where Sulu gets trapped on that really cold planet and almost dies waiting for the crew to get him. For some reason, I always thought it was cool that he generated heat by using his phaser on a rock. By the way, and I'm not kidding here, Spock is a blood relative of mine. Distant, but related. It's always hard to remember, but I think he's my second cousin, once removed.
  8. I heard GRRM at one point admitted that he probably made the kids in the books too young. Should have made them a little older.
  9. It seems like they're growing her up a bit more quickly than in the books at this point. She is giving the impression that she understands the power she could hold over Littlefinger -- and others -- but I didn't get that (yet) from the books.
  10. Robey gets a would-be sack on a corner blitz in OTAs. There. Everybody feeling better now?
  11. Does anyone with more knowledge than me about PSLs understand how they work? If you pay $3K for a PSL, is that a one-time purchase that cannot change? In other words, if the Bills decide five years later to increase the cost of PSLs to $5K, do existing PSL owners have to pay the difference? Also, if a PSL owner chooses not to buy season tickets in a particular year, does that typically mean the PSL is forfeited? Does the owner get the PSL license money automatically refunded?
  12. Excellent movie. Not sure I'd list it in my top five of all time, but absolutely worth the watch.
  13. Apparently, the best movie of all time is Empire Strikes Back.
  14. Yep, this one's starting to get some good air time here. Should be fun.
  15. I agree completely. SLC did fairly well when the Olympics were here, and I've always felt like we should host it again because we already built a lot of the infrastructure for it. Plus, many of the facilities are still used extensively. For instance, the speed skating rink is always in use and hosts competitions (including world championships) all the time. The ski jumps are also used year round for training purposes, and many other Olympic athletes come here to train for the facilities. I went to the ski jumps this past winter to check out the museum there (which was cool), and while on a tour they guide did say that SLC is preparing a bid for another Olympic games. I think he said 2026, though. EDIT: yeah, looks like 2026. No American city is bidding on 2022. 2026 remains a possibility, though some of it will depend on who gets the 2024 Summer games. There's also a web site dedicated to the 2026 SLC bid.
  16. That movie is like a four-car pileup. A whole lot of pain, but I can't help but look whenever I see it.
  17. I'm not even sure Schindler's List is the best movie about the Holocaust. The Pianist is fabulous.
  18. I recall seeing a story online a while back about one of the female cast members being opposed to showing further nudity. I don't think the specific cast member was named, but if I recall correctly the general thought was that it was Daenerys. Ah, here it is, from a year ago: 'Game of Thrones' actress refuses more nude scenes, cast member claims
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