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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. The food is actually quite excellent. I am a big Stella fan as well.
  2. They do make great Saisons, yes. Epic started up a brewpub/restaurant a block from my house, and they sell their beer there. So now I can walk a block and pick up Epic brews on a moment's notice. Another one I like a lot is the Czech Pilsner from Bohemian Brewery, which is in Midvale UT, only a short drive away. Good stuff -- and comes in cans.
  3. Oh yeah, there are some good ones. Polygamy Porter is probably the most famous. There was also a St. Provo's Girl as well (playing off St. Pauli's Girl), but I think they had to change the name to just Provo Girl. It seems like brewers have laid off the Mormon names lately, though.
  4. I'm not a real beer snob, but I do enjoy some of our local brews. You wouldn't think it, but Utah has some award-winning microbreweries. One of my favorites was a Nitro Cream Ale brewed by Squatter's downtown. Incredibly smooth. I think they stopped brewing it, though. My new favorite is from Epic Brewing. They bill themselves as "Utah’s first brewery since prohibition to brew exclusively high alcohol content beer." They make a fall seasonal called "Fest Devious", which is just about the best beer I've ever had.
  5. I was always partial to Deep Space Nine, once they got past the first season or two.
  6. Nice to see so many people think he's pretty cool. I've always liked him, but for no particularly compelling reason I've always been a bit embarrassed to admit it.
  7. Wow, looks cool. Interesting that it will be available on iTunes on demand a month before it opens in theaters...
  8. Close. The Bills were knocked out of playoff contention by the loss to the Pats, but the season finale was in Philly. The Bills were 7-7 and had one last shot at a winning record, but lost to the Eagles. In that game, Bennett went crazy with a ton of tackles and sacks, like he was a one-man wrecking machine. Even though they lost, it gave a lot of hope for the following season. I have to disagree with that. People did think the Bills had a chance at the playoffs. Nobody saw a 12-4 season coming with an early wrap-up of the division, but the playoffs were definitely part of the discussion. People had a sense that the Bills were building a very talented team, and barely missed out on a winning record the season before. I can dig up some old newspaper clippings if needed.
  9. There's this classic as well. Oh, Anna... http://youtu.be/9g9wXBkdWEg
  10. Can't anybody generate some fake Bills sale-related news today? Just to take our minds off of Kiko?
  11. Just like his previous ACL. Nobody thought he was permanently damaged goods when he was drafted.
  12. Thanks. I don't want to hijack the thread, but in that book "Going Home" that I linked to earlier, there was a great passage that really brought that idea home to me: There are a number of really nice passages like that in the book that helped me through the loss. The idea above has brought me comfort in the idea of another dog, whereas before it was almost unthinkable, at least for the time being.
  13. 1. Stevie is really good, but I'm guessing the thinking was that he can only take you so far. Sammy's ceiling appears to be much higher. I'll miss Stevie, but he could certainly be frustrating as well. 2. Perhaps that they kept things simple early on, and then progressively added too much to his plate too quickly? 3. You got that right. Killer loss, but they did a lot of things right in that game despite the loss. Something to build on, I hope.
  14. I think this is true, and I'm sure my wife and I will get another dog at some point. But it's hard to know when that should happen. We'll probably wait a while. One thing I've considered is that if we do get other dogs, we'll probably only look at older shelter dogs. Give them the opportunity to have a comfortable home, even if it's only for a short while, while not necessarily looking at another 15-year commitment.
  15. I distinctly remember going to see this movie in the theater when it came out. It was the only movie I've ever gone to where, when you entered the theater, they actually handed out a piece of paper that had a glossary of all the different names in the movie, because they must have determined that nobody could keep track of any of it.
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