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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Be very careful of back surgery. There is no evidence to suggest that it improves symptoms any more than traditional (eg, PT) approaches. It's different when the problem causes significant nerve issues (such as weakness or incontinence), and in those cases surgery is important, but that is rare. In the absence of that, I would try many different approaches before I'd begin to consider surgery. Acupuncture is a very valid alternative, and I would consider it. I had a disc problem at L5-S1 dating back to 2003, and I tried a lot of things, including chiropracty (which did nothing for me). Steroid injections helped with the pain, but those are very temporary and the main reason for getting them, besides providing temporary pain relief, is so you can be comfortable enough to do the therapy to strengthen your core and back muscles. Physical therapy is tough to stick with, but it can be helpful. Yoga or pilates is also excellent, although it can be difficult to get started when you're having acute pain. But this is the path I encourage. It has helped me tremendously. I still have some pain in my back every now and then, but it doesn't interfere with my life and I can do everything normally. It's a long road back, but if you can get to where the acute pain is subsided, you can begin to get back to normality. Well, as normal as someone like you can be.
  2. Awesome, that sounds like a good one. Think I'll have to try Break n Eggs as well. Thanks for the great tips, everyone.
  3. Wow, some excellent ideas. Thanks, everyone! I'll have to plan this out carefully. I like the idea of Crow's Nest since I grew up partly in Getzville and I want to swing by there for a bit. Danny's South is a great idea too -- anyone know who typically goes there on Saturdays?
  4. So I'm going to be back in town for the home opener (yeah baby!!) and I'm trying to design an awesome weekend food tour to go along with the game. So I'm looking to this group for your top suggestions, because, you know, you're the experts. I'll arrive late afternoon Friday, so right now I've got some openings: Friday dinner: want to do a fish fry, looking for a good suggestion Saturday breakfast: open Saturday lunch: Ted's dogs Saturday dinner: open Sunday: game day, tailgating (grilling) with cousins (Bills win) Sunday dinner: pizza and wings with cousins (location TBD) Monday morning: departure, diet ensues So basically, I'm looking for a great fish fry, a great breakfast place, and one great suggestion for a dinner place to round things out. Ready? Go.
  5. Guess we don't give Chandler much credit for coming back from a serious knee injury and in his first year back has a career year and leads the team in receptions. If only it took more than a year for someone to come back fully from a serious knee injury...
  6. Tim Graham @ByTimGraham Sports broker called me as soon as he saw @john_wawrow story on Bills/Toronto. Broker thinks story should be an A-bomb to MLSE's chances.
  7. 47 Yeah, that's right. I've had seasons since I was 10.
  8. There's still some question as to whether or not the Horn was found. Mance and the freefolk claimed they found the horn in a giant's grave, and this was the horn they offered in return for safe passage through the Wall. But after their capture, Melisandre had the horn burned along with Rattleshirt (appearing as Mance). Later, both Ygritte and Tormund claimed that the horn was a fake and that Mance never found the true Horn.
  9. He's back! Awesome stuff, as usual. So glad you do this for the rest of us.
  10. You guys are awesome, thanks so much!!!!
  11. Thanks for the optimism. Where did you hear the bolded part? I haven't seen that said in any official way.
  12. Agreed. About the only way that happens early is if Geno really stinks it up in the preseason, making everyone jittery. I doubt we'll see it that bad. With the Pack playing them early, it's almost certainly going to be Geno (barring injury).
  13. The Jets defense is always going to be tough, but not as tough as in the Meadowlands. Geno is going to be a liability, and the fact that you play them early in the season will work in your favor. A decent pass rush will rattle him and take him out of his game. But they have a really strong stable of running backs this year featuring CJ2K, so they'll be grinding it out. If you have a decent run defense and can force them to throw, you'll be okay. The big question is if Vick somehow forces Geno to the bench, but who knows if that would be a good thing or a bad thing. The Pats* are a little tough to predict right now. They made a number of changes this year, and although they don't seem that much better than last year on paper, a lot depends on how the new players develop and how well they come together in the first half of the season. They are weaker than in the past in that their depth is more suspect, so if they have a few injuries, they become more susceptible. Playing them later in the year is probably better because of that. But having them at home is much better than in Foxboro. Should be a good game, but I don't see you guys having too much trouble with them.
  14. I was too young to know, but my parents went to a lot of games at the Rockpile. They really did not like that stadium at all, so they weren't upset about it. Not sure how they felt about the location, though.
  15. I tried the loyal customer route...been a customer since 2005...but offered nothing. Not even a small discount. Two different people. Now that said, the first one was not customer retention, it was just a feeler. The second one was, but I admit I didn't threaten total cancellation, just ST cancellation. He was more than happy to cancel it. I've threatened full cancellation in the past and received good offers, but I wanted to try other routes this time. No good.
  16. I have actually heard from a source that he might be the preferred bidder at this point, and is committed to keeping the team in Buffalo. Interesting.
  17. True, although technically it could be either Williams' or Williams's.
  18. Nobody is questioning the sucktastic unit that was the Bills special teams last year. But what is it you're trying to say? Put all of the starters in to play special teams? Nobody does that because they don't want to risk injury to those guys. So by the very nature of it, special teams consists primarily of the guys who are at the bottom of the roster -- not starters. Steve Tasker was a mediocre WR who excelled on special teams, and it was his special teams talent that kept him on the team. Same, as you say, for Mark Pike. These guys were bottom of the roster guys just like Easley. I guess I just don't see your point.
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