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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. For those of you looking for the difference in perspective with Aaron Rogers' injury, here's the story and video: Highlight from NFL.com Like they say in the video, they suspected he had a "small break" in his collarbone, nothing like what CJ suffered. You can even see how he doesn't appear to be in that much pain afterward, especially as he goes jogging off the field moving both arms normally. CJ, it appeared, could barely tolerate the movement of the cart as he was brought off. Aaron Rogers, by the way, was out for 7 weeks. He returned 8 weeks after the injury against the Bears in the season finale, and I recall watching the game that while he played well, he probably shouldn't have returned.
  2. Henderson has really been struggling of late. He may have started out okay, but his performance has really started tanking.
  3. Of course I'm talking about the first squib, not the one at the end of the game, for crying out loud!
  4. This looked like a pretty severe break to me. He was in tremendous pain, especially as they were carting him off. Not all bone breaks are the same, of course, so what Aaron Rogers suffered is different than what CJ suffered. CJ probably needs a rod or screws inserted to stablize the bone. He's looking at at least 6-8 weeks until this is healed well enough that he can do regular activities. Running into 300 lb defensive linemen who are trying to shatter his body does not constitute regular activity. Pretty sure he's done for the year. Even if he could come back for the last couple of games, I doubt the Bills will keep the roster spot open, unless they move him to the IR-designated to return spot, but I really don't see it.
  5. Bills score and grab the momentum, and then squib kick? WTF? I realize it was into the wind, but it still doesn't make any sense to me. The Vikes get the ball at the 35 to start the drive, instead of making them drive the longer field. What's the deal? Anybody hear anything about this decision? EDIT: For clarity, I'm referring to the first squib kick, not the one at the end of the game.
  6. Seriously, after a few games it would seem that Richardson is not ready to be an NFL starter, Henderson is not ready to be an NFL starter, and Pears is not ready to be a starting OG. This is about as bad as I've seen the offensive line in years, and we've had some bad ones. For the life of me I cannot understand why we don't move Pears back to RT, where he was at least serviceable, and put Urbik back in at LG, where he too was at least serviceable. I have no idea what they can do for the LG position, but Richardson is just not the answer, at least not right now. I just don't understand it.
  7. I was 8, and that's one of my earliest memories of the Bills.
  8. Intersting that they will keep TJ Graham over Nelson. Too bad, hope he ends up on another roster.
  9. Precisely.
  10. You can maintain the conspiracry theory if you like, but the fact remains...the refs were hardly responsible for the Pats scoring on every possession in the second half save the final kneeldown.
  11. Well, there is definitely something BS about this. Very typical.
  12. New England's second half possessions: TD FG TD TD Kneeldown Second half penalties when New England was on offense: - Defensive PI on Duke - Roughing the passer on Hughes - Offensive holding nullifying the TD to Gronk - Offsides on Wynn - False start by NE We lost this game in the second half, but the refs weren't the main reason.
  13. If you've never had the flu, then you are very lucky. Trust me, you never, ever want to get it. Like the Kiko Monster said, you seriously feel like you're going to die. For me, it was three straight days without being able to get off the couch, even a little. People who tell me they're not sure if they ever had the flu...they didn't have the flu. You know when you have the flu. The flu shot doesn't provide complete protection against the flu, but if it lowers your chance even a little, trust me, it's worth it. And if it lowers the chance that your frail elderly (parent, neighbor, friend) or young (newborn, child, niece, nephew) gets it, it's absolutely worth it.
  14. I'll never tell...
  15. I could tell you which places in Salt Lake City, but I doubt that would be helpful for you.
  16. The flu vaccine is one of my main responsibilities where I work, and I am a self-proclaimed flu vaccine evangelist. Anyone who doesn't get the flu shot for anything other than valid medical reasons is on my **** list. "I never get the flu" or "The flu shot makes me sick" are two of the most annoyingly invalid reasons for not getting the flu shot. My main message to others is that, for most otherwise healthy people (and health care workers), the flu shot really isn't just for you. It's for the people around you who are more susceptible to it. The flu severely debilitates and even kills people. If you can interrupt transmission, it helps everyone. Plus, you can transmit the flu virus to others even before you start feeling sick. Just because it's not 100% effective doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile.
  17. Same here. I always wondered what happened to you. Good to see you're still writing about the Bills. Now, can you pick back up on the part where you always rated the wings at different places? I always loved that.
  18. I'm with you. I find it impossibly hard to believe.
  19. Sal Maiorana @salmaiorana Yes. RT @slcrubes: @salmaiorana What happened to Urbik? Is he really worse than Richardson and Pears? So there you have it.
  20. Yep, I noticed that too. I'm sure that's going over well in the coaches' room.
  21. 3. The Bills still haven't allowed a rushing TD this season, and we're going on week 7. (Of course, opponents don't need one, but whatever.)
  22. I really, really don't think it did.
  23. Have any of the local journalists ever asked Marrone what the deal is with Urbik?
  24. Total class. I still find it hard to believe we can all breathe one enormous collective sigh of relief after essentially holding our breath for the past, oh, 18 years or so. They're really, really staying. Incredible thanks to the Wilsons.
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