Looks like a well designed play, in that Orton had at least three open receivers to choose from.
Here's Hogan on the opposite side, as Orton was throwing. Obviously the play was going to Sammy all the way, but if he was thinking Hogan, he was very open at the goal line (that defender is not moving toward Hogan as it appears -- Hogan actually made a really nice fake outside before slanting in, causing the defender to twist around):
Likewise, Chandler was open as well. Not as easy to see because of camera motion, but Chandler is in the upper left corner of the next picture. He's running toward the top for the back corner of the end zone (sort of a cross with Hogan), and is well ahead of the defender behind him:
Nice to see a well-designed play for the final, game-ending challenge. I'm not a big Hackett fan, but he sure got this one right.