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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Too bad Al Davis isn't still around running the show for the Raiders. I bet he'd jump at a chance to trade Schaub for a speedster like TJ.
  2. You could probably argue that the Bills haven't done an outstanding job with the Guard and Tight End positions, but all in all the organization has done a decent job putting together a fairly talented team across the board, aside from the one position that means far more than any other position. The most important position of them all. And here we are, one week away from the start of the season, and we have a barely legitimate starting QB and no legitimate backup QB on the roster. Even if we do pick up someone else's trash and have someone slightly more legitimate as our #2, he still has no exposure to our offensive system, and it will be weeks before he could be realistically thrown into a game with any expectation of effectiveness. It was the same story last year, and it ended up biting us in the butt, to a certain extent. And here we are again. It's hard to find a good QB in the NFL, sure. But this could only be called a pure bungling of the most important position on the field, despite a reasonably decent job with the remainder of the roster. That just about sums it up for the Buffalo Bills.
  3. He's still behind Bryant and Charles, so probably not enough spots to keep him.
  4. Don't forget, still more cuts to make by tomorrow. 8 more, I believe.
  5. Still need to make 8 more cuts, I believe.
  6. Joe Buscaglia @JoeBuscaglia 3 of 21. RT @TomPelissero: Jordan Palmer's stint with #Bills didn't last long. Sounds like they are cutting him. Jesus. Are we really one week away from the start of the season with no #2 QB?
  7. Marrone is injured? And he's going to play guard AND coach the team at the same time? Seems risky.
  8. The "player of the decade" for the Bills during the 2000's was the !@#$ing punter.
  9. My favorite comment was from Kevin: He also wrote a hilarious paragraph for the Chicago Bears article:
  10. The best hope for the Bills against Chicago is if the Bears decide to rest their starters for their big week two matchup against the 49ers.
  11. Because all these years nobody gave him the chance.
  12. Looks like a nice deal. Not so sure about the automatic renewal next season unless I take action, though. Never did like that.
  13. I didn't read this at first, then I went back to it. Well done, sir. Well done.
  14. Jordan Palmer? Jordan Palmer? Jordan !@#$ING PALMER?!? THIS is what you get me to replace Lewis? Seriously?
  15. Well that sucks. I'll admit I was hopeful for Thad as a #2 given his performance last year despite no training camp. I really thought he'd take a nice step forward with a full offseason and training camp.
  16. This thread makes me feel better. For what it's worth, when I watched it live I wasn't happy with EJ, but I was more unhappy with everybody else, particularly the offensive line. Just a bad game overall for that unit.
  17. Cool, that's where I live. Which bar? I was actually at that game. Man, that was a great time. I can hardly recall what it felt like to be 3-0...
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