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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Sal Maiorana @salmaiorana Yes. RT @slcrubes: @salmaiorana What happened to Urbik? Is he really worse than Richardson and Pears? So there you have it.
  2. Yep, I noticed that too. I'm sure that's going over well in the coaches' room.
  3. 3. The Bills still haven't allowed a rushing TD this season, and we're going on week 7. (Of course, opponents don't need one, but whatever.)
  4. Have any of the local journalists ever asked Marrone what the deal is with Urbik?
  5. Total class. I still find it hard to believe we can all breathe one enormous collective sigh of relief after essentially holding our breath for the past, oh, 18 years or so. They're really, really staying. Incredible thanks to the Wilsons.
  6. I'm guessing the play was set up for Orton to see both receivers and make a decision on who to throw to based on coverage and the safety's position. Unfortunately, he had no time to decide because of Pears. It really does take just one guy screwing up for a play to get blown up. Fortunately, Orton had the experience to know what to do with the ball.
  7. Patience, young padwan. It is now updated, Bills at #18. Strangely, Miami is at #17, despite the Bills slapdown.
  8. Actually, I thought the rule was that, inside two minutes, only the player who fumbled the ball is allowed to advance it. If a different offensive player recovers the fumble, the point of recovery is where the ball is spotted.
  9. I have no idea why I keep coming here. It's like an addiction, or maybe a bodily function. Like pooping. I just have to, and it keeps happening every day, no matter what I do.
  10. I guess Chef Jim is out. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  11. The receivers will get open. If the line can hold up, all Orton needs to do is make good decisions and decent throws. Nothing more.
  12. I'd go with this, although Urbik didn't look so hot either yesterday when he was in there.
  13. Yep, pretty much. I'd say it started with the decision to not start Graham at CB. This rotation thing is doing nothing but making them unhappy.
  14. I can't speak for others, but I was at the gate and into the stadium well before the tribute to Ralph started, and that was after waiting a crazy amount of time to get through the mob at gate 2. So I'm not sure how much earlier people would have had to stop tailgating.
  15. I agree. I was at that gate last week, and it was a complete mess. Everyone was scratching their heads wondering how this was supposed to have been an improvement.
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