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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. In hindsight, I think it's pretty safe to say the season began it's downward spiral with the Bryce Brown fumble.
  2. They are estimating that the stadium contains 220,000 TONS of snow that needs to be removed. That's enough to fill the practice fieldhouse facility eight times over. And, of course, more is projected. According to the Bills, it usually takes three days to clear a 1-foot snowfall. This is a lot more than 1 foot. It's going to take crews working day and night the rest of this week to even make a dent in it. So complain all you want, but this is basically unprecedented. The Bills are saying that there is 4 times or more than any amount of snow they’ve seen in the stadium for an upcoming game. Ever. Bills race clock to clear snow-filled stadium
  3. Gruden blasted teams for running the read option a week or two back on MNF. I think it was when Cam Newton was playing. Basically he was saying, if I was an owner paying all those millions for the most important position on the field, I'm not sure I'd let my coach have him running around getting hit all the time. It's going to come back and haunt you.
  4. Yeah, I mentioned it in another thread, but I got no response. Wonder if the two losses just got to him.
  5. Which is why it's so mind boggling that the Bills haven't even lucked into the playoffs for 14 straight years.
  6. To paraphrase: a delay-of-game penalty is called a "dead ball foul," which means the game stops before the ball is snapped. So in the case of the Lions FG attempt, the delay of game nullified anything that happened after the ball was snapped -- the missed FG basically never occurred. So there was no play that could be accepted. Same goes for the punting situation -- once the delay of game is called, there is no punt, no play that could be accepted. It's either accept the penalty or decline the penalty, and replay the down.
  7. Yay! We're not horrible. When do we get the "good" part? It's like crack, man. We keep saying this every month, every season, every decade.
  8. Speaking of which...where is Bill these days? No "Few Thoughts" the past couple of games...
  9. I don't know, I saw him grossly overthrow a wide open receiver in the second half that would have been a TD and brought Indy back to within a score of NE*. I've seen plenty of that in Buffalo!
  10. Hard to imagine how good this defense would be with a healthy Kiko in there. I keep saying this, but we really really really really need to get both Hughes and Dareus signed. I don't give a crap what it does to the cap.
  11. You know, you're right. I was confusing it with Bucky's column from Sunday evening: Add another gruesome loss to Bills’ annals But, you know, basically the same. Bucky and Sully are essentially interchangeable.
  12. It was Bucky Gleason's column. Would you expect anything different?
  13. If this is a real question, we get our stuff at SpaAndPoolStore.com. Not sure if they're the cheapest, but they have good service and quick delivery.
  14. This is what I saw, too. Even though there was only one sack, Orton was feeling the pressure all day. In fact, I'd go so far as to say the poor Oline play has made Orton a bit jittery, to the point where he made several poor throws when he probably didn't have to. He probably just thought he didn't have any time left and had to get rid of it -- when he may have actually had more time to throw.
  15. Has anyone mentioned that the Chiefs are the only team without a passing TD to a wide receiver this season?
  16. If we really have two rookies playing the right side, I fully expect to see overload blitzes and/or stunts on that side on every single play.
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