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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Wow, that's interesting. The wild card, however, is Josh Gordon...
  2. Good points, although I'd say finding the franchise QB is really Whaley's #1 priority.
  3. I hadn't quite realized it, but Doug Marrone is 6-2 against the Dolphins and Jets. Of course, he's 0-3 against the Pats*, but there aren't many coaches with even .500 records against them. We've at least been competitive against them, for the most part. Not trying to say he's awesome, or the coach to get us to the promised land, but nice to finally see a coach with a winning record against division opponents, sans the Cheaters. The Pats* should be Doug's #1 priority moving forward, assuming he's still around.
  4. I found that to be pretty underwhelming. Nice that it has a JJ Abrams look to it, but I don't know if I'd even call that a "teaser". By the way, it was confirmed as Serkis.
  5. Is it strange that all three games today are between NFC teams?
  6. I get that, and I don't completely disagree. But do you think one of the reasons we may utilize TEs more than we might otherwise is because of the underwhelming play of the offensive line?
  7. Goodwin was a healthy scratch for the Jets game. Sounds like Mike Williams may be moving ahead of him on the depth chart.
  8. This is true. That's what I have to tell patients after finishing a course of antibiotics -- basically, the only way to know it's gone for good is to wait and see if it comes back.
  9. I totally get that. I'm with you for the most part. For me, though, my hatred of NE* trumps my displeasure at seeing other teams like Cleveland experience Super Bowl glory before us.mits just part of the insanity, I guess.
  10. I'm in Utah. I can come over and explain it if necessary.
  11. There's actually a very complicated algorithm for determining who I can or cannot root for. Without going into too much detail, it's okay to root for a team that has already won the Super Bowl, as long as there aren't any friends, family, or coworkers who root for them, and as long as it's not a team that I hate like NE*. It's not okay to root for a team that hasn't won it yet, because like you say, I don't want those teams to experience a SB victory before we do (damn you, Seahawks) -- unless they are playing against a team I hate like NE*. It actually gets quite a bit more complicated than that, but you don't need to witness that level of my insanity. Yeah -- they only talk about the Packers because they're good. Never heard about their fandom much before their latest rise, nor do they talk about them much unless they're winning. I do find that strange, to be honest. Didn't think there were many Packer bandwagoners.
  12. From your fingers to God's eyes. Or something like that.
  13. I don't recall reading or hearing anything today from the team about the blown coverage play when Decker got free behind everyone at the end of the half. I was dumbfounded that this defense would allow something so blatant with seconds remaining in the half (until, of course, I realized that we always screw up at the end of the half). Just wondering if anyone mentioned that it was a specific blown coverage or what. Looked to me like Aaron was playing too close, rather than way back, but it's hard to tell.
  14. Worst-case scenario for me has always been NE* vs. Green Bay in the Super Bowl. I don't really mind that much if Green Bay wins, but I have way too many coworkers who are bandwagon Packers fans, and who I will hear from endlessly if they win it all. Heck, having them win in Buffalo later this year would be cake compared to if they win it all. But if it means hoping that New England* beats them, I may just implode. Although I don't have any coworkers who are Pats* fans, I just despite Belichick, Brady, and the Pats* so much it makes me cringe just to think about the possibility. Every year, once the Bills are out of it, it just comes down to hoping against hope that somehow NE* and GB both get knocked out. Looking bad for me this year.
  15. I do remember thinking that there were some close calls that didn't get called, and wondering if the refs were doing that because they figured nobody cared about the game and they just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
  16. Even if they don't get to the playoffs, I still think this team needs to finish no worse than 9-7 for me to feel like there is tangible improvement. This is a good defense, but the offense needs a lot of work. But 9-7 would have me at least feeling good about the future. Can they go 3-2 down the stretch? I think they can, but that means beating at least one of Denver, Green Bay, and New England. They need to beat one of them for me to feel like they're going in the right direction.
  17. Perhaps we could get lucky and, if they keep Rex around (which I think they will), the team will rally around him and somehow defeat the Dolphins. If he does get fired, maybe something to keep in mind for us if Schwartz is somehow given another shot at a HC job. I'm sure Rex would love to work with this unit, and get two shots at Belichick every year.
  18. Some of you may say the blocked punt/TD, and I couldn't really argue. Some might say it was Woods ridonkulous one hander, or maybe his TD catch. Possibly. For me, I'd say my PoG was Mario bull rushing the double team, squeezing through the middle, and absolutely punishing Vick while slamming him to the ground. That play set the tone and symbolized the demoralizing beatdown underway. Just a fantastic play. Oh, and please please please re-sign Hughes!
  19. I'd still prefer something with a retractable roof, but it seems to suit them quite well.
  20. Which seemed to be picked up by the Bills, hence all the throws to Woods. No use forcing it in to someone when you have a capable guy in single coverage.
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