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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I don't see much happening myself, but if anything does happen my guess is that it would be a 1 or 2-year extension for Marrone and staff, and maybe Marrone getting more say in the roster. If a Polian thing happens, I doubt that would happen until February.
  2. Tim Graham @ByTimGraham Expected to stay, but deadline for him to opt out is midnight tonight RT @BOyouRock anything on Marrone yet? What are you hearing?
  3. Tim Graham @ByTimGraham Word to me today out of Oakland: Brandon to Raiders might've been a thing if Pegulas weren't new Bills owners. Brandon staying with Bills.
  4. Pretty straightforward. Can you wrap your head around it now?
  5. Marrone was given one at the very start of the season, without having all of the minicamps and training camp to get him up to speed on the offense. Hardly an ideal situation. Plus, Orton was as mediocre as they get, and I'm sure you blame Marrone's offense for Orton being way off target on many of his throws. He now has even less than Orton going into next season. The issue here isn't whether or not you think Marrone stinks, but whether you, as Marrone, would want more security going into next season without a decent QB on the roster.
  6. I agree with that. If anything, I would see this as an attempt by Marrone to get a few years added to his contract. I'm sure he's thinking that he's heading into the final year of his contract without an answer at QB, so the chances of the team regressing next year are not insignificant. If I were him, I wouldn't want to have to make a case for an extension after next season, knowing I don't have a serviceable QB on the roster going into the season.
  7. Why anybody would want to get rid of Brandon is beyond me.
  8. Well, to be honest, I'd have to go back a couple of years to see who was available, whether in the draft, through FA, or by trade. I don't know. It's not my job to know. All I can say is that there is a real possibility that Marrone feels like he was given the shaft -- rightly or wrongly -- by having to start the season with EJ/Thad/Tuel. I don't know if Marrone was totally on board with drafting EJ, maybe he liked him but not in round 1. Maybe there was pressure from Nix/Whaley to grab someone that year in the first round, regardless. Maybe Marrone was okay with drafting EJ, but wanted someone a bit more reliable than Kolb to start things out so EJ could sit and learn. Maybe there was a different vet he liked better, but Nix/Whaley didn't agree, or didn't do what it took to get him. I have no idea. What I do know is that the combination of EJ-Kolb/Thad-Tuel was not a recipe for success, and I still think it's possible that Marrone was not totally on board with going into the season that way.
  9. Your internet snarkiness aside, I'm sure as a head coach you would have been happy with EJ, Kolb/Lewis, and Tuel going into your rookie season, just because hey, no Manning.
  10. Lots of rumors that Marrone and Whaley aren't getting along. I haven't seen any confirmation, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me if Marrone is pissed at Whaley. Think about it: Marrone is hired to coach a team that had been lousy for many years, with not a huge amount of talent on either side of the ball. There are questions about ownership hanging over everything like a black cloud. And, above all else, the team has no franchise player at the game's most important position. He knows he has three years, at best, to turn the ship around, and this is his one big shot to be an NFL head coach. If he flames out here, he won't likely get another shot. So what happens? Whaley reaches and gets him a questionable QB in the first round, which means there will be pressure to have him play. They need a veteran QB for security, but Whaley gets him a dud in Kolb, who can't make it past preseason. So now Marrone goes into the first season of his one big chance at NFL head coach with a questionable rookie QB, a barely serviceable backup QB who has no time to learn the offense because he was signed so late, and another rookie QB who really shouldn't be playing against professionals. They enter the season with huge questions at the game's most important position. That's a recipe for failure, and I'm sure Marrone puts most of the blame for that on Whaley. So they go into the second season of his one big chance at NFL head coach with the same three guys, and guess what? They still aren't very good. The questionable first-round QB still doesn't excel, and the barely serviceable backup QB regresses and is dumped late in the preseason. Whaley sifts through the garbage heap and comes up empty. Then, right before the season begins, he desperately signs a historically mediocre veteran out of "retirement" as a safety measure, who has no time to learn the offense because he was signed so late. There are signs of tension and shouting between Marrone and management, but who could blame him? They enter the season with huge questions at the game's most important position. Things are so bad, the safety measure who barely knows the offense is starting at QB a quarter of the way through the season. Now the historically mediocre veteran QB is retired, and Marrone is looking at the third season of his one big chance at NFL head coach with only two QBs on the roster -- the questionable first-rounder, who he doesn't have a lot of confidence in, and the third stringer who still shouldn't be playing against professionals. He's looking at yet another season with huge questions at the game's most important position. His three years will be up soon, and in that time Whaley has done him no favors at the QB position. In fact, the only favor he did was to get him a backup-quality QB who wouldn't even stick around more than one season. Twice now, Marrone has had to field QB's who had little experience in the offensive system because they weren't around for minicamp or training camp. Sure, finding a franchise QB is tough. But yeah, if I was Marrone I wouldn't be too happy with Whaley.
  11. Seems like a pretty reasonable road schedule next year. We can compete with any of those teams. Well, as long as we have a QB.
  12. Are there stats to back up your claim that he's not?
  13. It could still be joking around, but when they showed Chandler on the sideline he still looked pissed. Funny thing is, that's happened to Chandler at least one or two other times -- he goes to spike the ball, and somebody accidentally knocks it out of his hand. Maybe he's just sick of that happening.
  14. Well, we *are* the experts at throwing the ball to our receivers less than 3 yards beyond the line of scrimmage, so you'd think this play would be right up there on the list.
  15. Didn't see that, but did anyone catch the exchange between Chandler and Sammy after Chandler's 4th Q TD? Sammy accidentally knocked the ball out of Chandler's hand as he went to spike it, and it seemed like Chandler was pissed about it. I wasn't sure if he was just joking around, but later they showed Chandler on the sidelines and he made another aggressive gesture at Sammy sitting on the bench.
  16. The Avril deal is actually much less than I was thinking we'd have to shell out for Hughes. If he would take that contract, I'd do it in a heartbeat. We have huge cap space going into next year, so we can do that and still sign Dareus next year.
  17. I'll tell you right now that we have nothing to worry about. The Bills are a lock for the playoffs. In fact, I'd almost guarantee a win in the Wild Card round as well. Why? I'll tell you why. A long time ago my wife and I started planning an international vacation trip, and because of her schedule, the best time for her to go was the beginning of January. So I'll be out of the country for the first two weekends in January. Big deal, I thought, it's not like we'll be actually playing any games in January.
  18. Cutler isn't going anywhere. That contract is just too much, it would kill them to cut him. Plus, they're not likely to get anybody better next year. My brother-in-law is a Bears season-ticket holder, and he told me if they don't fire Trestman he'll become a Bills fan until they do.
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