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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Damn, Coyotes lose by one. So close. On the other hand, Ottawa beat Pittsburgh...
  2. Man, it's never easy. Unless somehow Arizona can pull one out tomorrow, but very unlikely.
  3. Obviously, I think it's worth discussing. If you don't, feel free to not open the thread. Only problem with that is Schwartz very likely would not have stayed under that scenario.
  4. The other what-if thread (promoting Pettine to HC) got me wondering if people would feel any differently if, after Marrone quit, we elevated Schwartz to HC and it was he who recruited and hired Roman as the OC. Would people here feel much differently? Is there more confidence or support for Rex as HC vs. Schwartz, given the same OC? On the one hand, there is the continuity on defense (Schwartz), while on the other, there is the track record and creativity on defense, plus the allure and personality (Rex). None of this matters, of course, I'm just curious. For the record, I'm totally on board with the Rex hire.
  5. All we need is an offensive line that can keep guys off of the QB, whoever it is, and we should be sitting pretty.
  6. No way Arizona gets any more points the rest of the way. This is going to be a real nail biter. If the Sabres and Coyotes end up tied in points, who finishes #30?
  7. The tweet seems to imply they are wondering about his post-playing plans (ie, coaching), rather than him as a player.
  8. There were two shadow babies in the books, and the impression I got is that they were born for one purpose: to kill an individual, after which they disappear. GRRM hasn't done anything more with them for several books, so I'm guessing he's done with the shadow babies. Unless he plans to use one more to kill, say, a Bolton. But I don't see that happening.
  9. I highly doubt this team goes with a raw rookie behind center this year. Not the way it's stacked right now. But I guess stranger things have happened.
  10. There are a lot of Packers fans where I work, but I'm the only Bills fan (of course). I tell them all that last year's game against the Pack was my Super Bowl. And boy, did I let them have it.
  11. Since we don't have a 4th I imagine it's a tough call, as I agree they're probably offering one of our 5ths. Maybe if nobody else bites...
  12. My right, or your right?
  13. Okay, well that makes sense. I don't know much about Eichel other than he's an excellent prospect, I just thought he wasn't on the same level as McDavid. Perhaps not.
  14. Right, but the point was that there are three other cities already going, so I was wondering what the experience thus far has been.
  15. Wrapped up and relax? Sure, if it was guaranteed that the worst team would get the #1 pick. Instead, all it does is give us the best chance out of what is generally a poor chance of getting the #1 pick. That's what sucks. At this point I'd put money on the Sabres not getting the #1 pick regardless of what happens, but that's just the cynical **** side of me.
  16. No kidding. Almost sorry I asked.
  17. It's hard to believe how far this team has come in just a year.
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