1. I learned that Edelman and Lewis really are that important to the Pats***. I had my doubts. I thought they would be fine with Gronk and Amendola and the others, but it was clear even before Amendola went out that they were struggling. If Amendola is out for any significant period of time, they are in some trouble.
2. I learned that the Pats*** offensive line is a bigger problem than I realized. Again, I had my doubts. I didn't think the Bills DL would dominate they way they did, which is kinda sad to say, actually. The Broncos defense must be licking their chops.
3. I love McKelvin's heart, but I learned he should never return another punt again. It's been said enough times already. Problem is, I don't know who should. Definitely not Moore. Maybe Woods?
4. I learned that Hogan is actually pretty good as a third receiver. I just wish he would fall forward instead of sideways when he has the ball.
5. Speaking of sideways, the power sweep for the TD was a thing of beauty. However, I learned that someone actually has to tell our offensive coordinator that it's a bad idea to run sideways on a power sweep when all you need is six inches straight ahead.
6. I learned once and for all that we absolutely have to re-sign Glenn, after learning once and for all that Seantrel Henderson is a huge liability. I had my suspicions that we might let Glenn walk and move Seantrel over to the left side and let Kujo take over on the right. Please, don't do it.
7. I learned that I no longer understand anything about NFL rules.