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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. The Pats*** offense did just fine last week without Edelman or Lewis.
  2. Of course, the Pats*** are the #2 passing offense...
  3. I always thought of her as "Nicole Kidman lite".
  4. In other news, we're the #2 rushing offense in the league right now.
  5. Those were not the words of a happy man.
  6. Sitting in the #6 spot with 7 games to play, the Bills are in position to control their own destiny and capture a playoff spot. We all know how that's turned out before, but will 2015 somehow be different? I think most of us would agree the next three games will probably determine the Bills fate. Maybe not so much the Pats*** game, but certainly the KC and Houston games. It's time to put up or shut up. So, what do you think will happen? Where will the Bills be sitting at the end of the day on December 6th?
  7. Enjoy it while ya got it. Next week will be very different.
  8. The dropped INT was even worse since there was a Giants player right behind him that could have made the catch with ease.
  9. I will always want to Pats*** to lose, every week, no matter what. All I care about right now is if this defense of ours can figure out a way to stop Gronk, screen passes, swing passes to RBs, and generally anything quick-release.
  10. He tries to do too much by himself with his feet, and it gets him in trouble sometimes. But overall, a pretty good performance on the road against a top defense.
  11. He was a huge reason we were able to put it away at the end. Impressive performance against a top defense.
  12. Great to have you back at full strength, Bill. One big positive from this game is how we actually ran the ball against the #1 run defense late in the fourth when we needed it. Been a long time for that.
  13. We'll see against a top flight run defense. If we can't establish any kind of running game against the Jets, it will be tough going. TT might be able to open things up with his feet, but I'm not confident about that in this one.
  14. Excellent post. I also like the tip of the cap there to Larry Felser, if I'm not mistaken.
  15. Or the receiver, #11. Both of those guys whiffed, blowing up the play. It makes you realize how hard it must be for a single offensive play to succeed, given how many guys have to execute their roles just right.
  16. I remember how much of a disappointment that was, too.
  17. There is a collection of (fair-weather) GB fans at my workplace. I'm so sick of hearing them. When the Bills beat them last year, it was pure glory for me. I told them it was my Super Bowl. If it wasn't for that, I'd totally root for GB. But I just can't take all of their gloating.
  18. If the Bills can't win it all, I'm rooting for the Broncos. At this point, it's ABNE* or ABGB** for me. *Anybody But New England*** **Anybody But Green Bay
  19. Sorry if I missed it, but will it be clear if I go to Yahoo.com where to go to view the game?
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