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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. It seems to me that Dilfer is talking about two different things. On the one hand, there is the offensive scheme; is it effective? Does it produce? Can it succeed in this league? On the other hand is the concept of teaching; are the coaches good teachers? Do they instill good habits? Do they effectively communicate the scheme to the players? I see these as two completely separate things, but he is implying that they are somehow the same. I'm not sure if Roman and friends are good at both, but it sure seemed to my untrained eye that he was doing a pretty decent job of both. I can see how some (such as dave, and I guess Dilfer) believe the scheme will not produce high-level success in this league, but I think that remains to be seen.
  2. [–]BearsDionazatyl 134 points 2 hours ago How hard is it really to see over your linemen? Does that significantly block your view of your receivers or is it not a huge deal? permalink [–]Tyrod Taylor, Bills QBIAmTyrodTaylor[S] 307 points 2 hours ago Not a huge deal at all. People always make a big point about short quarterbacks having a hard time seeing over the line, but if you have a 6'4 quarterback and a 6'5 lineman, he can't see over it either, so you find ways to throw in-between lanes. You gotta find passing lines as far as stepping up and moving the pocket, but height has never hindered me as far as seeing down the field. And I'm not the shortest quarterback in the league. permalink parent
  3. Watching it now, all I could think is that Mean Joe should've turned, said "Hey, kid," and then belched in the most obscene way.
  4. I've never fully understood the concern about having gambling establishments in relative proximity to an NFL team stadium. Also, isn't Phoenix really !@#$ing hot, too?
  5. I remember watching one or two episodes a few years ago and thinking it was pretty good. Haven't seen it since, though.
  6. Clearly, and I would say without question, the most overmatched team in a Super Bowl was the 1985 Patriots against the Bears. That game was a mere formailty. There was not a single person alive who thought that game wouldn't be over after the first quarter.
  7. Seriously, if we can just sign Glenn and Incognito, and maybe Bradham, I'm fine with just relying on the draft to fill holes. I'd really like to keep that left side of the line.
  8. So he would want to sign with Buffalo...why?
  9. Has everyone already forgotten the Patriots' first Super Bowl?
  10. I have definitely heard that this is a phenomenal show. May have to look into it.
  11. Comparative Effectiveness of Strategies to Control S. aureus Infections
  12. That is most definitely the truth. Kid is a very, very good corner.
  13. The play by their defensive backs against Denver, particularly their corners, is some of the best play I've seen this year. They have some remarkably good corners. Which, of course, sucks for us.
  14. My inner patriot can go !@#$ himself.
  15. No kidding. Now that the Pats*** and Packers are out, I can finally enjoy some football.
  16. No kidding. The Pats*** offense is clearly frustrated and out of sync, but they're only one score down. The thing I hate about them is that they always seem to generate mistakes by the other team at the worst time, and need only one chance to pounce.
  17. Anyone watching the new series "The Expanse" on SyFy? Based on the novels, though I haven't read them, supposed to be good. Wife and I have watched the first four or five episodes and I'm pretty impressed. I think they do a really good job with the characters and the atmosphere, and the plot has us hooked pretty good.
  18. Unreal. That was seriously unreal. I don't even know what to say.
  19. Ridiculous. I can't believe the ineptitude that I've seen today. First KC, then this? That has got to be the most insane drive to end the game with no timeouts that I've ever seen. 4th and 20, then the hail mary? You've got to be kidding me. Arizona, you suck ****.
  20. That was quite possibly the worst clock management at the end of any game that I have seen. And this was a playoff game. That's just embarrassing.
  21. I hate Brady so much I can't even fathom it.
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