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I 90

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Everything posted by I 90

  1. The C. J. Leak era has begun ! (thanks for links in the other thread) .
  2. Bird in the hand... Three decent quarterbacks are a must for this team -- it looks like they are going to get hit as much as Bledsoe ever was. I am not sure Losman and Nall are up to the abuse. As much as I don't want to see Holcomb, they might as well play the hand they were dealt. .
  3. When enough voters take note of their own Bills site.
  4. Who is this Yoda ? Does he have a 1-800 number ? Triple Gold Lock of the Week, it is. .
  5. Sad but true. Up to the Bills to get the rock rolling downhill. .
  6. I want to believe all of you. I do. There is no real tape on the new Bills offense. The terminology for audibles has changed. Nodody has a clue whether this is a running team or the second coming of the Mad Bomber. Belichick is a witch. AND HE IS AFRAID.
  7. I feel shame, shame I tell you. .
  8. It means the Bills value marginal TE's ahead of offensive lineman.
  9. You have killed CW. Destroyed the very idea of CW. Mister Defence rejoices.
  10. Um, Tom Modrak then, Tom Modrak now. Marv didn't exactly sweep clean the scouting department.
  11. What are they gonna' say about him ? What are they gonna' say ? That he was a kind man ? That he was a wise man ? That he had plans ? That he had wisdom ? Bull.... man ! Can't say it better than Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse Now. There must be method in their madness.
  12. CW is brain dependent. Tune out brain. Long live 10 and 6.
  13. By accident one would expect them to stumble across a second tier O lineman (late on day one) at some point. Settling for junk late looks like bad plan. It appears that I had higher hopes for Sobieski and company than even they did.
  14. You are CW. Death to CW. Long live 10 and 6.
  15. Collins versus Campbell. Wow. They might actually miss Patrick Ramsey if Brunell goes wobbly.
  16. Geisinger is the third pickup, yes ? An odd cut. Outside of Williams they have tended to draft DB's earlier than OL's. Someone will have to explain that to me.
  17. He was the consumate crowd pleaser when it came to hiring coaches. Gung ho Greggo as an antidote to laid back, players coach Phillips. Soft spoken offensive minded Mullarky to smooth out the taste of the now unhinged defensive "genious" (ask Snyder). Would Fox followed by Weis have looked any different ? And those trades. Nobody put Buffalo on ESPN more than he. Sold out the stadium. I bought it all. To repeat, 31-49 is all that matters.
  18. A sinking ship still needs entertainment. I don't know what he had against " Porky " Parker or the Eric Flowers of the world but it was funny as hell to hear him try to run them out of town. Was he more "kick a man when he's down" than ahead of the curve ? Maybe. Nobody could squeeze more airtime out of a coach not wearing a headset, that I know for sure.
  19. Bills cut ties awful quick. No room here ? The final PS spots had better be offensive lineman.
  20. That was a bad situation... imagine the call in shows. He stuck with Shoop until they both got the axe. No "trade in the assistant for your job" garbage for Jauron. Rock solid hire.
  21. Could it be that Wire actually has value in the new defence ? We know he didn't thrive in Gray's out on a limb blitz schemes. Things might be more in front of him in Cover 2. Grasping at straws.
  22. When Jerry Angelo took over the Bears, Jauron was in essentially the same position. Did he quit ? Nope, went 13 and 3. We have a guy who can handle the tough assignment. Mullarkey retired to Florida.
  23. Looks like the Jets gave up on giganto OT Marko Cavka a year early. And our Ben Sobieski washed out of San Fran. Scraps. Less than scraps.
  24. To what station ? For Bills talk ? Nowadays TBD does Chuck's job of whipping up the rabble. And life is good.
  25. Um, maybe not. Do you mean his neighbors ? Never mind.
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