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I 90

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Everything posted by I 90

  1. Further on the team ties to specific outlets... both GR and WEEI are Entercom stations. We are subjected to Smerlas not because he is a quality guest, but because he is one of the family (perhaps). .
  2. Wow. Heartbreaking. Unsettling. Unbelievable. Thanks for that. .
  3. Resist the urge Nick. Consider the women's hormone replacement craze of the early 90's, eg. Premarin. Widely prescribed, it put aging on hold in the ways that you describe. Alas, cancer risk put an end to the party. We are complicated creatures; a few million years of evolution have put us in the sort of balance that 40 years or so of modern medicine hasn't quite puzzled out. .
  4. Lothar, expect the unexpected. Same goes for Tornado. Distilled, that means J.P.'s OK and the Bills find a way to win. I think... .
  5. Tony Bruno still on FOX ? He would be yet another "insufferable" type if still on ESPN but he does have some appeal. The goofiest thing I ever did see was the premiere of ESPN 2 -- Suzy Kolber , Bruno and Olberman in black leather jackets behind the desk. The look screamed " the future" (if the future was supposed to look like the anchor desk in a Robocop movie). This, to introduce the world to lumberjack contests and street luge. .
  6. $$$ is only part of the story... The Bills don't see the need to make people available all across the dial. It is shortsighted. The dog and pony act that Donahoe managed to refill the stadium is gone, and the feelgood return of Marv could turn around TOMORROW. Optimism AND friends in every media corner (for insurance) seems prudent. Fan590 manages to dominate sports radio here without the Leaf rights, a neat trick IMO. .
  7. They are not working hard enough (or they like the Smerlas conflict angle as much as I do). Morning drive is the money slot. Three to six is the OPRAH slot -- it doesn't matter what quality the guests are. It is not a coincidence that Sullivan comes on as late as possible in afternoon drive. Fan 590 spam alert... they drag the Raptor, Leaf and Argo coaches out of bed in the A.M. for their Insider segments. You just can't strand the morning crew on an island (of favorite cheeses). .
  8. Lay off Cowherd. His "spanning the globe" or whatever callouts he does easily balance out his attempts to be the "young Kornheiser". Blame Tony K for these characters sharing their non sports life opinions. For better or worse, the E in ESPN stands for entertainment. .
  9. Yup. I am not nostalgic for the Brown-Fina left side which did not provide bang for the buck. It might have been interesting to see Ruben moved to tackle in his prime. Good article on his career path. It is nice to see him hold off Metcalf for the time being. .
  10. They REALLY like the Joe D on that afternoon show... but I dunno'. They like it simple. Losing with all the good things that happened confused the hell out of me. Losman staying alive and looking downfield doesn't even qualify as a convenient excuse. That is not a step backwards if the Bills aspire to play some aggressive 'ball. .
  11. He could be out at 25'ish ? We may get a chance to discuss his 40 time yet again. Contrition, rehabilitation, who knows ? .
  12. Wow, he did take a helmet to the gut at one point late in the game. "Walk it off" is not the medical advice indicated for that sort of thing, but on he went... .
  13. Chicago fans probably chuckled when the Bills won with Losman under 100 yards passing and Willis under 100 yards rushing. It's something I can get used to but as expectations rise and close losses pop up (like the coulda' at New England), the Bear fan attitude won't seem so foreign. It was a great hire for a football town (so it's only 50-50 someone starts calling him "Walking Dead Man" by week 14). .
  14. Four punts inside the ten ! Has to be some kind of record. .
  15. I have a feeling we may see the dreaded "OFF". Is it a step forward for the program should a number, any number, get posted ? .
  16. It's building TKO, not rebuilding. The youngsters made Culpepper look sick. This is the start of something special... .
  17. The clincher : Whitner's break up of the two point convert. He made it look easy. Just as easy as defending the Dolphins looked all day. No onside kick pressure, no idiotic Sage Rosenfels goofball comeback like last year possible. An emblamatic play. .
  18. I am a believer in timing and circumstance and in the competence of almost every person employed by the National Football League. I can rationalize the failures of some of the biggest "dummies" ever fired over the last twenty years. I cannot begin to explain the pitiful Dolphin performance yesterday. Mullarky looks like a handicap of the worst sort. Again with Lee Suggs in on third downs. Again with the pass plays where it's obvious that they can't get everyone blocked. If he can't prepare for his old team, who can he prepare for ? .
  19. Reconstructed knee oughta' keep him in the pocket even if the d-line can't. Back-ups are Cleo Lemons and Joey Harrington I think. We will be spared the terror of Sage Rosenfels who must have moved on. .
  20. Pixies reference as well, yes ? More musical genius, IMO. There was a classic Larry Sanders episode that had Zevon cajoled into playing "Werewolves". He is the last songwriter on earth that one would expect to be known for what might be called a novelty song. Letterman used to claim that the entire Sanders series was lifted from his own experiences. .
  21. I'm thinkin' the Phish score 27, but the BILLS SCORE 34 in the game of the week !!! It is a coming out party for the new Mad Bomber !!! .
  22. I fear they are going to muddle through on the O-Line. Scout me some linebackers. .
  23. It is a body type that has a long half-life provided it doesn't run to sloppy. But I understand. .
  24. RIP, Mr. Zevon. Who grew to hate that song. .
  25. Green Bay gets healthy against Saints. The Vikings prove that they're for real. The Bengals spank the Browns. .
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