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Everything posted by dhg

  1. dhg

    Name This Person

  2. dhg

    Name This Person

    Steven Tyler?
  3. They are selling them at the Consumers on French Road in Cheektowaga too.
  4. Well, you have a designated driver for 6 more months. 😉 But, seriously, congratulations to both of you.
  5. Collinsworth on Murray: he's not that tall of a guy so it doesn't take long for him to get the ball out of his hand. Umm what?
  6. dhg

    Name This Person

    Antonio Banderas?
  7. Other issues, like writing a book?
  8. Sean Lennon nails it https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/sean-ono-lennon-mocks-portland-statue-vandals-the-pyramids-should-be-torn-down-immediately
  9. Cashews
  10. dhg

    Name This Person

    Bon Jovi?
  11. Per the Athletic retest came back and it was false positive.
  12. https://mobile.twitter.com/markpoloncarz/status/1310292779877175299 Ok. Sure, Mark
  13. Maybe they are making Cornhole game boards to peacefully pass the time?
  14. Prince Andrew will be the first one to tell you how great a job he has done!
  15. Probably hauls a** too!
  16. He is such a POS desperate to deflect blame.
  17. Just when I thought I'd seen it all. These idiots have lost their minds. And why a gas station? Inquiring minds need to know.
  18. So sad. RIP
  19. Insanity
  20. No, Prince Andrew, what you did and continue to do is indefensible.
  21. Several years ago a friend of mine was mowing his lawn and ran out of gas while he was in the front part of his lawn between the sidewalk and street. He went to the garage to grab the gas can and when he came back in front he found a guy trying to load it onto his truck.
  22. I just don't get it. This tool couldn't be any more unlikable.
  23. Beautiful pic. Great night out tonight in WNY
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