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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Umm, that's usually how cases develop. The cops get some clues/evidence, begin becoming suspicious, then come up with the most likely scenario with the cooperation of the prosecuting DA. It's the DA's job to prove the case, which we won't get to enjoy until likely around 1-2 years down the line. My point, at this juncture, "proving" a case hasn't even begun and I don't think anyone on here is attempting to prove anything.
  2. Dude, the guy was drafted just days before. Welker busts his balls, which happens to all "rookies" regardless of occupation, and the guy develops a hot head and threatens him with violence. You're right, no story there.
  3. This guy definitely has major issues. Who maliciously threatens a co-worker within days of being hired? Steroids? I wish we had Pollard on our team to dish out the just this guy deserves. True. People should be able to rely on getting their facts from a Buffalo Bills message board.
  4. Sorry, this thread should be immediately locked until the jury reads their verdict.
  5. And this is the reason for the broken alarm system. As a result, we don't know when Hernandez walked into his house. But, you would think alarm companies keep this type of information on a centralized server. Who knows?
  6. That may be true, but we don't have a broken cellphone OR a broken alarm system OR the cleaners just came. We have all 3 of them and I don't believe in coincidences. Hernandez may not be guilty of murder, but he sure is trying his best to act like he's hiding something. Any way, Goodell is not going to go easy on this one. If it was Brady, probably, but not a lowly TE.
  7. I've been there before. It's like a Hill Billy's Las Vegas. And for some reason, there's about a million pancake houses (and cowboy boot stores too). Rafting and hiking would be excellent as the Smokies are awesome. You'll also see why they're called the Smokies. And if you have some time, take a drive to Asheville - excellent restaurants and beer.
  8. I'm still worried about Da'Rick! I don't have the wits to be concerned about LG too.
  9. Who needs a GM when you have a Special Assistant? Besides, this team has prior experience of operating with no GM (2009).
  10. Really, there is? Tell me this, what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you settle into your seat at the Ralph with your $10 Bud Lite and hot dog? Is it: 1) Gee, parking was a breeze today. I just love what they did with the new lot. 2) I just can't wait to see how the new Senior West Coast Scout performs today! or 3) Hell, it's been 3 years since we've won a friggin divisional game. I hope Manuel throws for 400 yards, runs for 200, and Alonso knocks Brady's head off today. Seriously, mediocrity has become so engrained in Bills fans that a kick ass HC, an elite QB, and winning football games has become an afterthought. As long as we hit on a draft pick every 2 years, I guess it's OK.
  11. Strawman argument there. My first post was to show the Bills are no better off than when Nix was hired. The post you just quoted details the most important criteria, in my opinion, in judging a GM. Reading comprehension. Try it.
  12. Well...what's the difference? Look, I always liked Nix. But in today's NFL GM's are mainly judged by 2 criteria: the coach and QB they pick. Nix failed with both. Sure, he certainly hit on some draft picks, but show me a totally inept organization that doesn't at least have a couple talented players on it. As for Chan, a totally uninspiring hire and we got to watch uninspiring football for 3 years. No surprise there. His QB? Fitz. Nix try to back peddle and say he was always waiting to add a QB last. Funny how we still didn't draft an NFL ready QB though. Doesn't make sense. In reality, Nix hitched his wagon to Fitz and actually believed we could win with him.
  13. Turned what around? 2009 (pre-Nix): 6-10 2010: 4-12 2011: 6-10 2012: 6-10 I'm not trying to hate, but let's at least have some objectivity here. I really wonder if he was "fired" instead of "stepping down" if people on here would still be singing his praises? Because if any other GM in the NFL had his same track record, they would have been fired.
  14. No doubt Nix had an influence on that draft. He likely also had quite a bit of say. But there's no way that Nix had the final word on players when he would be stepping down. I don't even think he would want to leave his protege with anyone but his own drafted players.
  15. There you go for all you naysayers. That was Whaley's draft. It had someone else's fingerprints all over it.
  16. This is a (former) NFL receiver and he couldn't outrun the cops? That's just lame and for that alone should not get a chance in the NFL. As mentioned about, it's amazing how fast someone can destroy their career. I know his behavior didn't form overnight, but when it rains it pours!
  17. But, this also allows opposing defenses to also prepare for one offense. Let's let the coaches and players earn their paychecks and be able to tweak their offense. Keeps opponents guessing.
  18. Wait, two 25 year-olds, with minimal wear-and-tear on their bodies, are being beaten out by a 32 year-old often-injured workhorse and we're supposed to be excited about what?
  19. I'm not shedding a tear. I don't anticipate seriously competing this coming season. So let the coaches evaluate and teach our younger players this season and see where the cards fall. And take the money you would have used on Dansby and give it to Byrd. But something tells me the Bills are going to see what we have in the new safeties we signed and if they may be good enough, let Byrd walk after the season
  20. You missed "it's on like a MOFO!"
  21. Indeed. http://twitter.com/Duke27_/status/332679253516759040/photo/1 Guess we won't be having any trouble signing this 4th rounder.
  22. This is what happens when you have no rules or limits during your childhood. It's almost like he's living in his own fantasy world where he feels he can do whatever he likes. Sadly enough, this was probably true for the first 18 years of his life. As a result, he has an obvious personality disorder. Stick a fork in him, his NFL career is done.
  23. Good article, but sort of sprinkles on our parade. I'm talking about the stats part. That said, it was his first year starting. Given 1-2 more years on a real D-1 program, I'm sure he would have shown steady improvement. Due to this, he's probably going to need a few years in the NFL to develop.
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