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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Maybe he wasn't aware of the amount of damage he caused. FWIW, he was fairy apologetic on Twitter.
  2. Well, then, he should have signed a long term deal when he could have. Now he's stuck with a 1 year deal, which was his active choice. Still don't feel bad for the situation he imposed on himself.
  3. I agree with the immediate snatch up if cut, but I really don't think a professional organization would purposely retard the development of a player just to "hide" them on a PS. There's too much at stake for a rookie to be denied quality playing time during the preseason. I don't think an NFL team would find any value in a WR who is entering his 4th season and has shown absolutely nothing for a historically WR-deprived team. Then again, we have also been historically denied any decent QB to throw him the ball for a long time too.
  4. I would have just assumed that when it was written that Manuel was ruled out for the rest of the preseason that he was still not ruled out for week 1. That's the only logical extension of the Bills press release.
  5. It's not a may, but Rogers will get picked up if we cut him. He is first round talent, but a questionable attitude. We know we weren't the only team who tried to sign him as an UDFA. So he will get snatched up by a team with a need. This has to go into the who to cut decision making. A player like Hogan or Kaufman, while not necessarily lesser players, may be easier to sneak on the PS.
  6. Exactly where did I specifically say that Rogers has a higher ceiling? Anyways, we really don't know the ceiling of any of our rookies. This is why they are rarely cut the preseason they are drafted. It's their potential that is great, mostly because they are such a blank page. They are going from nothing/unknown to perhaps greatness (or not, but the potential is still there). As the last 4 years progressed (or as any player's career progresses) Easley's potential has diminished. The Bills brass should know what they got in him by now.
  7. The problem is this is Easley's 4th preseason. Comparing him to Da' Rick or any other rookie is problematic. We haven't remotely seen the potential other WRs have. I would hope the Bills coaches pretty much know what they have in Easley by now. He continues lot blow up preseasons playing against rookie 3rd stringers, then disappears during the regular season. I wouldn't cut a player with a higher ceiling.
  8. Not a chance. Unless he is a complete locker room cancer, even if he is disappointing during preseason, he will not be placed on the PS. Remember, teams were lined-up to sign him as an UDFA because he has loads of potential. He wouldn't even sniff our PS. There's no reason a rookie with star potential, but a lack of development (since he came from a small school) should be cut or placed on the PS.
  9. Umm, says me? Isn't that obvious? As for Miller, we have no idea what he did or didn't do nor the result of his appeal, so that's a bit unfair to even bring him up. As for Stevie, he wears a **** that phonetically spells out a slang word for sex. If that's all you hear or see at a Bills game, you can consider it a healthy family day at the Ralph. As for the NFL or the Bills, I think they have bigger fish to fry.
  10. Really? Was Mark working for free this coming season? You also have to love the timing though. If this move was done before the Byrd deadline (I'm sure this wasn't just decided over the last few days), fans would have all been screaming about how this was done to free up money for Byrd's long term contract. Now, we're all stuck looking at our feet.
  11. Did Stevie kill anyone (sadly this is the new standard for bad behavior in the NFL)? No? He's being a good soldier by NFL standards.
  12. But it's not. It's the opposite. Making fun of someone's hypothetical dog can get you suspended.
  13. Sweet. Best post in thread. As for AH, /career. Nice knowing you, Aaron. One thing I do appreciate is AH's lawyer's name. Nothing like the name Fee for a lawyer.
  14. I get what you are saying and respect your feelings. But, for me, if AH doesn't give a flying F about what his loved ones would have to go through, why should I, a complete stranger, care? I can't be Mother Teresa and I'm not Jesus paying for people's sins. Maybe if his family paid more attention to his troubles, which now appear to be many, and helped his better deal with them, perhaps he wouldn't be in this predicament. This clearly isn't a guy who woke up one morning and decide to murder someone. It's likely been in him for years and years and his life didn't develop on a vacuum.
  15. Can you celebrate, if guilty, a murderer being removed from walking free within society? I have a family and when this happens I'd feel better with one less murderer on the street. This isn't about revenge, it's about justice. As for AH's family, how can I feel for them when Aaron couldn't even right before he pulled the trigger?
  16. I appreciate the replies on here and agree with them. It's a pass-first league nowadays. That alone is going to account for more sacks. Plus, the 3-4. The other thing, it just seemed Bruce's sacks were more effective than others, like Schobel's, for example. None were during garbage time and most had a significant role in determining the outcome of the game.
  17. We all know Bruce was a man among boys when he played. He could singlehandedly turn the tide of a game in one play. It's been awhile, so I checked out his stats and it occurred to me that if you compare him to the sack leaders of today, he would never have touched them (except for 1990 when he had 19). I'm not saying Bruce was inferior, far from it, but it just seems like there's something in the drinking water of the athletes of today. Or, perhaps the game has changed to favor sacks? Seems unlikely in a league hell-bent on protecting QBs. Edit: well, I looked at all the other leaders from Bruce's years and they did get fairly high, but nothing like JJ Watt's 22 sacks. In fact, Bruce rarely lead the league in sacks, but he did win-out with consistency.
  18. But I'm too used to our players being humbled on the field. In any case, a little help from the BPD can't hurt.
  19. But, when it's a patsy, particular one that inflicts great damage on us twice a year, it's guilty until proven otherwise. If this guy truly did it, and by the way he's acting he very well could have, not only will society as a whole benefit, but also the Bills on Sunday. I'm sharpening my pitchfork now, the scum needs justice served.
  20. Damn straight! Also, never turn it off at the time of the murder. Just leave it on, at home. And in AH's case, never be stupid enough to rent a car (or 3) in your name to go commit a muder. I totally agree. It could be locked out. But, it's revelant to this thread because I'm sure the DA would love to include it in the (potential) trial. As for it being inadmissable, I'm sure it may be. As for you and Jauronimo, I have no clue what you guys are going on about. I sort of tuned it out. No offense taken. This is the type of thread that is just begging for speculation or garbage. It's not a Sunday night thread where people are speculation about whether we won or loss. Truth is, we probably know about 5% of the facts in this case, so there's nothing else to do than speculation or come up with crazy theories.
  21. He didn't tell him to go and "screw himself" though. He said "I'm going to F$&@# you up" and apparently not in a joking manner. Tell me, if a new employee you barely know said that to you at work, what exactly would be your reaction?
  22. It's a testament of his character. Expect, if it ever goes to trial, the DA will attempt to bring it up at the trial. Much in the same was Zimmerman's attorneys wanted to include the pictures of Travon with his pot plants and his guns as "evidence". It's a message board. If speculation are inappropriate for a message board, anyone is free to report to the mods.
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