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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Sure you did. Hmm. Many of us - no, pretty much all if us in here - having been talking about the play Mario made to strip Miami's ball. Does writing "THE Play reminded me of what Bruce used to do against Miami" make it mean anything different than I wrote? No.
  2. That was one helluva hit. I have no idea how he even got up.
  3. I really have no idea why he is playing or how the NFLPA allows this. The guy's freakin playing with one arm.
  4. Negative or not, win or lose, if one actually watched the game they would know the dolphins were the better team on the field today. That said, the dolphins had every reason to win this game and couldn't pull it off.
  5. You need to read more carefully or at least reply when you're sober.
  6. Probably for the wrong reason, but people have every right to be going nuts. This almost was another game thrown away due to piss poor ST execution.
  7. Great game by Fred, as always. I'm worried about Spiller though.
  8. Well, apparently it's a new rule for this year. I blame coaching for allowing it to happen.
  9. Sure, it would be great to have him playing for us. But, I didn't sell any top-paid safety play out of him today and don't think I will for the remainder of the season.
  10. He pretty much won this game singlehandedly. This is why we pay him the big bucks. Play reminded me of what Bruce used to do against Miami.
  11. Miami nearly took it to the house. But thanks to our kicker, he was slowed and stopped. Still a bad thread, Danny?
  12. He can also speak 5 other languages, including sign language and a language he invented by himself.
  13. Fantastic. And EJ was drafted to model their success. Not good.
  14. Perhaps. Who knows? But 2 knee injuries in 1 season doesn't bode well for him.
  15. Can't Kiko just play his hands on EJ's ankle and heal it?
  16. Huh? Exactly how does this translate into confidence in Tuel as starter or reserve if needed? Seriously, with all the QB scrambling that's been going on, this poor guy's confidence is likely shattered.
  17. Until we have a franchise QB, this team is no better than any team we've fielded in the last 20 years. It's that simple.
  18. It's sarcasm. I think it is in response to all the "Trade [insert Bills MVP here]" threads that pop up weekly.
  19. I wouldn't mind Galisano as the owner of the Bills. A major league franchise owners needs to be the biggest fan of their team. Galisano just wasn't for the Sabres. It just seems he bought them due to them being in danger to leave town, being bankrupt, and selling for a very cheap price. I don't think that would be the case with the Bills, who are a money-maker (unlike the Sabres) and because he genuinely seems to love them.
  20. This guy needs to be thrown in jail for life and have the **** beaten out if him on a daily basis.
  21. If this guy is really doing this to avoid injury, I don't care how good he is. I would avoid him like the plague. This me first attitude will only become amplified once in the NFL. He's the type that would hold-out for top defender money after 3 years of his rookie contract.
  22. It's very simple. The player in question (Byrd) has no value on our football team. He is refusing to play, didn't want to sign a long-term deal with us, and in all likelihood may never play another down as a Bill. Why let him go for free? As for Johnson, I don't think trading a target for EJ is a good idea.
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