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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Our D looks stacked on paper, like a Top 10 unit, which we aren't (yet). That said, the relative success the defense is enjoying is likely more of an indictment on how bad Wanstash was.
  2. But, the better teams stockpile picks. The team that continuously draft great replacements for their high price veterans will always beat out the teams that sign away those high priced veterans. This is how the rich stay rich (NE) and the poor stay poor (MIA). Truth is, it's not realistic thinking we're going to resign all our 1st and 2nd round picks plus the others who make it big (like K Williams and SJ). You might as well get something for the in return. This is going to become even more painfully apparent if EJ becomes elite and starts asking for elite money.
  3. Wait, why the hell would we apologize to a player who took off the first half of the season, then is now realizing he now has to turn it up in order to strike it rich this offseason? This is not just the case of a player turning in an effort during a contract season, but only putting forth the effort at the latest possible time. Besides, I could've made those picks.
  4. Wait, where are all the people posting the horrible rookie season stats of elite QBs? You do that to explain EJ, you also have to do it for Geno. Either way, jury's out for either one of them.
  5. I certainly was critical of his inconsistent development ("gave up" is a bit strong for my tastes), but was certainly surprised today. That performance against a D that shutdown Brees was very impressive.
  6. Are you out of touch with Manuel's entire body of work as a college QB? His (lack of) NFL development is paralleling his (lack of) development as a college QB exactly, except for him being injury-prone, which is new. Besides, his limited body of work as a NFL QB doesn't really change his potential for being a great NFL QB, which significant doubts existed even before he took a NFL snap. That's faulty logic. And, just because he was drafted by the Bills in the 1st round doesn't mean we should give him the benefit of the doubt. In fact, in this regard, he should be guilty until proven otherwise. The main difference between these two is that as college QBs, EJ couldn't even hold Wilson's jock. Wilson was a great college QB (unlike EJ), who's prospects were likely hurt by him being short, and I hate to say it, but probably also by the color of his skin. As physical specimens, Wilson was no Newton.
  7. I think Buddy Nix hiring Marrone and drafting EJ then stepping down was a very calculated move. I think it was Billick who said a GM becomes tied to the QB he selects and lives and dies by him. In the Bills case, Nix made his choices, then fell on his sword. While he may have had input, Whaley technically was not responsible for Marrone and EJ and could emerge unscathed if the current iteration of the Bills doesn't work out.
  8. Sometimes I think the Bills got "cute" in picking EJ, much in the same way they did with Whitner. If you look at EJ's whole body of work in college, he really wasn't spectacular and certainly not the best QB in last year's draft. Geno was, any way you slice it. Sure, Geno may have a bad attitude (which hasn't really surface in the pressure cooker of NY - many people were wrong here. We all predicted he would blow up) and EJ may have all the potential, but the pick was not based on EJ's college career.
  9. Is it my imagination or are the Bills sitting pretty at 3-7, last in their division, 23rd in passing yards? When your team hasn't even sniffed the playoffs in the 21st century, perhaps they should had taken some chances to perhaps gain a quality starter. Who knows if Rodgers will work out, but in regards to the Bills beggars can't be choosers.
  10. And how exactly are the Bills benefiting from this? Great, he got in line correctly. He won preseason. This won't change the fact that he's a scrub and he'll never make the Bills a better team. Rodgers being shown the door is uncannily similar to what Marrone did to Mike Williams.
  11. I think it was a fairly arrogant move on the Bills part. It had little to do with skill or potential on the field and had everything to do with "I'm in charge now, you're not, you're cut". This team couldn't (and still can't) afford to make personnel decision based on teaching players a "lesson".
  12. If EJ is so mature and has a great attitude, he should understand and accept the message of us drafting a 1st round QB. The worse that could happen is they both become starters and we deal one for another 1st rounder. Besides, I see the QB position as the only positional need on this team that would justify a top 5 pick. It would be a waste to spend a top 5 pick on a safety, LG, or TE. We are fairly set at WR and RB. Possibly could justify an OLB or DB, but nothing else besides that. Plus, our defense is young and is showing tons on promise (unlike EJ) so I don't see them needing top-5 pick help. I agree with that to some extent, but we will never a team until we have a QB. It appears QB's like EJ (RGIII, Kaepernick, Newton) tend to regress in their 2nd season (once opposing teams have a whole season if film), so unless there's a complete turn-around next season, EJ's not going to lead us anywhere next year.
  13. The problem with EJ is he thinks this an experiment too. He plays like people expect him to suck and doesn't play to win.
  14. Say what you want about Marv, I doubt Ralph could have answered those questions any better.
  15. This. As for "letting his teammates down", turn on any football game next Sunday and I bet you see a handful of examples of players letting their teammates down. Difference is, they're still collecting a paycheck. Look at Byrd. Another shinning example of letting your teammates down while getting rich. This guy did the best thing for himself and his (former) team. Besides, teams use players just the same. Just ask Flynn.
  16. I suppose. The Saints game just left a horrible stain on my mind.
  17. $35 plus food and parking. And that's assuming you go alone.
  18. Another point of view would be not which TE can we get, but who can we grab to neutralize opposing TEs. That seems to be more of a problem for us rather than giving EJ another receiver (when it seems he has plenty and Woods should be a stud next season).
  19. Wait, we going to release our 3rd string QB, the only healthy QB on our roster who knows our offense, because during his first NFL start he lost a game against an undefeated team? Yep, makes perfect sense. Alex Smith was downright pedestrian. How many turnovers did our defense produce?
  20. I'm all for analytics helping guide Marrone's decisions. Doctor's use guidelines based on evidence (evidence based medicine) too, so why shouldn't coaches. Sure, people's health isn't football, but the same concepts apply. Doing something because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's right. And people's "gut reactions" tend to not be the best. Remember, even the greatest of coaches couldn't win a Super Bowl for another team. There's more to it than instinct. In fact, I'm shocked analytics have caught on more for the draft. After all these years there must be enough data points to construct a mathematical model for draftee success. But, the fact that's he's from Buffalo means they probably couldn't recruit anyone better.
  21. This team should always be looking to get better. A QB in the 2nd or 3rd round will aid in that progress. Not a knock on EJ, who's already had 2 significant injuries in his short NFL career, but more of an insurance policy.
  22. I guess either would be fine with me, assuming the NFL gave us a 4th (or better). The Texans won a 3rd rounder for losing Williams. However, supposedly comp picks are based on salary, playing time, and post-season accolades (and other players signed/lost). If it's based on the previous season only, it looks like we won't get much for Byrd. I'm assuming it would be cost prohibitive to franchise him again (120% this years salary = $9.5 million). And based on his production this year, this assumption may be correct.
  23. I think he'd be able to can the ST coach because Marrone isn't a ST coach himself. Crossman isn't his protege per se and firing his underperforming friend would earn a lot of respect from the fan base. You also said we need a MLB? We have a budding star at MLB.
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