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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Looks like the Jay Cutler era's going to come to an end soon.
  2. We're better off trading him for a 2nd or a 3rd during the offseason.
  3. It's an intriguing idea, but something tells me, no matter how great he will be, Marrone will be ill-equip to negotiate and mentor a personality such as his.
  4. Absolutely not. If he succeeds, great. If he flops, which is much more likely to happen, we get a better draft pick.
  5. I hope this is the game where the Bills figure out EJ isn't the answer. At this rate we're going to get a top 3 pick and it would be extremely stupid not to pick a QB with it.
  6. This is very cute and all, but the fact remains that it has become Bills culture to repeatedly swing and miss on opportunities. I guess we'll have to wait to see how this plays out, but if we can learn anything from the past, this likely won't end well. Let's not forget that Whaley probably had a large say in hiring Marrone and drafting EJ, both of which are not appearing to be sound decisions.
  7. The Bills were not going to win anything this year, and perhaps next year. They could've waited for Rogers to develop. Besides, the obviously haven't needed Hogan for anything this season. Well, if he insulted Marrone's mother or something, I can sympathize with the Bills. What, he didn't fit into the culture of losing here? He caught the ball some way that didn't jive with the Bills. Because by December each year, the Bills season is essentially over, so it's time to look back and wonder what went wrong. Meanwhile, a player the Bills though they were better than has blown up in a game. Simple.
  8. The irony in all this was that the Bills cut him because he wasn't giving an effort or lazy or whatever, but the very same could be said of Marrone. The head coach's job is to get his players ready to play their best. Marrone bailed out on this responsibility. He was lazy and took the path of least resistance. He didn't want to put forth the effort to make this kid realize his potential, which is what a real professional would have done.
  9. But haven't the anti-Rogers crowd been doing this since he was cut? You can't have it both ways, you know. A better response to him being cut shouldn't have been "because he sucked", but should've been "the Bills just cut an immature player with worlds of talent, good luck on another team".
  10. Here's some perspective. The Bills pretty much held their own when these 3rd and 4th string QB started for us. No one can deny that these games were nearly winnable and very entertaining, especially with Thad playing. In contrast, the Bills didn't start heading into the NFL bowels until EJ began playing. As for the comment about Gus Bradley, if the Jags play the same Bills who played the last 2 weeks, the Jags would win. Hands down. The Jags have improved over the year, the Bills have regressed.
  11. I think he was sending Stevie a 2nd one because he apparently missed the 1st one.
  12. I love December. Digging through other team's garbage to find a QB is an annual tradition this time of year. Hey, I guess I'm game for it.
  13. With the new rookie pay scale, it wouldn't be unreasonable to draft another first day QB. Drafting a QB in round 1 or 2 would be just like drafting any other position to better your team. Plus, drafting an early QB wouldn't necessarily mean we're giving up on EJ. More like an insurance policy. If EJ flops, we're still in a good position. If he develops, then we can flip our other QB. Great post. I think EJ needs to know we have an alternative waiting on the bench, just like any other position. This is football. There's competition.
  14. Or, show off what he learned in Buffalo. Only time will tell. The QB position should be no different than any other position. You always try to get better at a position to make your team stronger. #1 we don't know a franchise QB on our roster. #2 With today's rookie pay scale, you can draft a 1st round QB without dumping EJ. You leave EJ as the starter and let the rookie sit the bench and learn. If EJ miraculously develops, great! If not, you move on the year after.
  15. I can't see what's in the way to prevent this from occurring. This is the time of the year where your suppose to see bad teams improving (which we see every year, this one included) and hopeless teams get worse.
  16. No. But when a poster writes overly strong opinions, almost to the point of being unreasonable, they should be reminded if it. That's all.
  17. Exactly. There were an awful amount of very strong opinions on here. We can go back through the thread and call them out by names I guess. This should serve as a wake-up call for Marrone and the Bills. Again, how arrogant of them to cut Rogers. Looked pretty good today. We'll wait a couple more games, then we'll let you know.
  18. Schuab was an excellent QB, just as early as last season. I'm not sure why he has stunk it up so much this year, but he's a starter if he can get back to where he was. In fact, Schuab is 1-2 years ago is better than EJ now.
  19. This will never, never happen. Marrone is a former OC and has hand-selected Hackett. Firing Hackett and hiring Kubiak would indicate: 1) Marrone exercised poor judgement in regards to hiring Hackett. And 2) Marrone is not a good enough offensive mind and leader to right-the-ship by either (a) mentoring Hackett better or (b) assuming offensive control of the team himself. In effect, the only way we are hiring Kubiak is if Marrone is fired himself. Besides, I don't know what happened to Matt Schuab. At one point, before this season, he was an excellent QB. The type of QB, on the right team, could probably get you deep into the post-season.
  20. But the intent was a stupid prank. Glad this case was thrown out. Use the courts to bring justice to real criminals.
  21. Buddy stepped down though, was not fired. Besides, these guys didn't expose anything about Nix people didn't already know. It was Nix's fault for being so careless.
  22. Oh, my bad. That's actually great. We can see what he does 2 years in the system.
  23. So, the big question is would you guys re-sign Hughes? He'll be a free agent coming of a (likely) double-digit sack season at the end of the year. He's clearly a situational player, likely only to flourish in a Pettine-type defense, but that's not going to stop his agent from trying to get a lot of money from some dumb team. I'll give him 4-5 million per year, but not much more. Sure, we have the cap space, but that's best spent wisely when we are ready for a serious run.
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