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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Apparently Marrone missed the screening. He should know this team's history more thoroughly.
  2. Exactly. It's an excuse we should all put to rest. As for STs, if a team has many weapons on STs, then they must really suck on offense and/or defense or they are exercising poor judgement in playing their stars on ST. They don't need weapons, they need good coaching/discipline.
  3. I've always wondered why it's so hard for players just to stay in their lanes. Is it really that difficult?
  4. By the posts here, Crossman doesn't look like he's going anywhere. Looks like he needs more "weapons". Lol. It never ends.
  5. I would see if you could flip him for a 3rd. He never really struck me as a professional, but a little boy being forced to play football. A Super Bowl team wouldn't tolerate a player like this. And, remember, he plays for Pettine first and I haven't really heard anything but good things about him. Again, flip him for a 3rd and consider yourself lucky.
  6. It's certainly nice to see Miami knocked out of the playoffs. After their spending spree, the talking heads had them already signed up for the playoffs. It's good to see Tannehill crash and burn. It's also nice to see Manning demolishing the TD record. Take that, Gomer.
  7. In effect, he downed it and ended the play before falling out of bounds. Solid call.
  8. He hasn't really excelled in this defense, something many others have. Since he serves no obvious role on defense, he's probably gone at the end of the season.
  9. Today: Da'Rick 4/42/10.5/17 Hogan 2/8/4/4 + better attitude while catching those 2 balls
  10. Don't worry, Curse of burial ground underneath Ralph > luck your family brings
  11. These kickers are juiced nowadays. They get away with it because nobody expects it...or cares. I think it's very possible, but coaches have been reluctant to try it, mainly because a miss, which is more than likely, would give the opponent very good field position.
  12. EJ was injured in his Junior year at FSU. A minor one, but just keeping it real. Plus, NFL players are more punishing. Correct, it is too early to give him this label, but it should stop the Bills from drafting a health insurance policy.
  13. Yep, that's a bunch of crap. Not playing RG3 is like your grandma keeping plastic wrap on the new couch. They're really seeing what they have in Cousins.
  14. Really? I certainly see these as a problem, mainly with coaching. Our coaching must be able to adapt to the players and their strengths. Coaches that have just one system, their system, tend to fail once they're unable to hammer square pegs into round holes. Our coaches must be able to identify our player's strengths and take advantage of them. So, Flynn knows the GB system. Couldn't the Bills coaches come up with a make-shift GB-like offense? It seems amateurish they couldn't and we're no better than the Raiders.
  15. I'm seeing big league throws from Henne, of all people, I just wish EJ could make these.
  16. "The Buffalo secondary gets their hands on a lot of balls"
  17. Another nice throw. It'll be great to see these throws out of EJ.
  18. Don't worry, the implosion will come in the 2nd half.
  19. We can always count on Freddy. Wish he was 5 years younger.
  20. Just more evidence for: 1) Drafting a 2nd developmental QB on your team, and... 2) "Read-option" QBs being overrated in the NFL and it's time to draft a true pocket-passer.
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