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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Yes, and look at the teams around them and how it correlated to their teams' success. Rice had 2 HOF QBs throwing to him. Randy Moss, when effective, either had a HOF WR playing opposite him (Carter) or a future HOF throwing to him (Brady). And Megatron is basically pissing away his talent in Detroit, going nowhere. What's in common with these generational talents?: enjoyed success when surrounded by HOF talent or little impact on their team if not. In the current state of the Bills, the addition of a generational WR isn't going to mean much. I think this was Whaley trying to play Madden.
  2. I say it depends on neither. It depends on a guy named Kyle Orton. I would never have thought I would say this in my life, but he's the Bills only chance of meeting 0.500 this year. He'll be starting by the bye if not earlier and may be the only person on the team capable of moving next year's pick out of the top 5.
  3. You're correct. I never heard of amphetamines "thinning the blood". They're sympathomimetics, so they actually vasoconstrictors. Amphetamines could potentially aid in post concussive syndrome (ie increase attentiveness and focus), but I doubt there's much in the literature looking at this. Amphetamines dilate pupils. Opioids constrict them, but that's another thread...
  4. I definitely don't remember that happening in my lifetime.
  5. It's interesting that the more preseason progresses, the more people are hyping him up. Geez, I even read he was a "generational" talent earlier today. What has changed?
  6. I have the answer in my mind, but can you recall the year the Bills played poorly in preseason and ended up having a winning season?
  7. The problem with the whole situation is that the Bills did not believe they were trading a top 5 pick next year. They believed it would be much higher and this makes the situation all the more grave. You never trade away a 1st when you don't have an established QB.
  8. Not a bad idea. The guy has been perpetually injured.
  9. Preparation doesn't necessarily equal knowledge. EJ could be watching tape and reading his playbook to 1am, but this doesn't mean he knows the offense. Plus, after years of being on Florida State, didn't they also have to simplify the playbook for EJ? That's not a very nice thing to say.
  10. The status quo is over based on actions over the last 2 days? Never mind the entire last year... The status quo is obviously still going strong based on the timing of the Orton signing. This type of signing should have occurred months ago. As for TJ, the writing has been on the wall ever since the Goodwin drafting, which in itself is a strong sign of the status quo.
  11. I don't believe I ever read a post on TBD praising the Colts GM. If so, I'd love to see a quote. I thought it was general knowledge that we got the better of him with this trade and he also screwed up the Richardson trade. The drafting of Luck was a no-brainer and I haven't really seen them draft anyone worth noting otherwise.
  12. I think he's an agent that gets what he wants. His clients mostly benefit from this though. As for Carrington, I don't know if he benefitted.
  13. If that was an attempt to elevate the status of EJ, I don't quite think you accomplished it. Quite the opposite, in fact.
  14. Maybe the Palmer acquisition was still weighing heavily on EJ's mind and they wanted to provide him some much needed assurance that he was still the man.
  15. I posted this in another thread. And don't be deceived by the actual few times we won in preseason, as major concerns about our offenses we present these years. Bills: 2009: preseason 1-4, regular 6-10 2010: preseason 2-2, regular 4-12 2011: preseason 1-3, regular 6-10 2012: preseason 0-4, regular: 6-10 2013: preseason 0-4, regular: 6-10 2014: preseason 1-4, regular: ?
  16. Bills: 2009: preseason 1-4, regular 6-10 2010: preseason 2-2, regular 4-12 2011: preseason 1-3, regular 6-10 2012: preseason 0-4, regular: 6-10 2013: preseason 0-4, regular: 6-10 2014: preseason 1-4, regular: ? Spot a trend? But, then again, as always, it's just preseason.
  17. Do you know how many times this has been said over the last 10 years? Hint: every single year. And what happens, the Bills suck. In fact, preseason performance, at least for the offense, has become an extremely accurate guage of how the regular season is going to unfold. We can no longer say "it's just preseason".
  18. The trading away of next year's 1st is going to go down as one of the biggest blunders in Bills history and is likely going to cost Whaley his job. I don't see us getting more than 4 wins this year.
  19. He very well may have. To weigh as much as he does and to blow a 0.14, he must've had to drink a whole lot of something. And the puking part may have nothing to do with his BAC, but the volume of liquid he would have to drink (unless it was 151).
  20. Not only that, as management would have it, no one even close to being competition for EJ will be wearing a Bills uni.
  21. I think he means breathing.
  22. Time Machine, you say? How about TJ for Russell Wilson.
  23. Isn't the NFL already full of undersized WRs trying (and failing) to make a name for themselves? I guess a 7th rounder would be better than nothing, but I'm sure he'll be cut outright and become a statistic.
  24. True. Bills are hell-bent on ensuring EJ has no meaningful completion. Instead, they are looking to garner as many "coaches" (and weapons) as possible in attempt to help EJ. That in itself is indication the Bills themselves can be too confident in his abilities. Plus, too many cooks in the kitchen could backfire on them.
  25. I didn't see this posted, but it certainly might have been. If so, commence the "in"s. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/11405668/nfl-nation-confidential-oakland-raiders-least-desirable-team-play-for It lists the Raiders as the Least Desirable Team" to play for, but look who's a close 2nd. The new owner should definitely keep this in mind.
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