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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. It very well could have played out this way and you know it. Considering he passed the torch not too long after the draft, it's entirely possible they shared picks. One thing we do know though: Nix was hell-bent on drafting a QB before stepping down - he was quoted so numerous times. Marrone is the head coach. The buck stops at him. No need to say more there. As for Chan "salvaging" Fitz, I think he did a fairly good job polishing that turd.
  2. Yes, this is a Bills fan's wet dream. Interestingly, it could probably be had sans Johnny Football, and I'm not sure we even need him. One could argue Chan could even salvage EJ, as he certainly would do with Spiller. But, this is the Bills. Obvious solutions are not that obvious to them (Ralph, Russ). And, sadly, we could probably had this combination too, but the FO garbage picked with Marrone (of all the college coaches, we picked the leader of Syracuse!?) and "I promise to pick a QB before I leave" Nix panicked and picked EJ. Heck, why we didn't target Pettine as our HC instead is beyond me. But, read it now and believe me later, this team will swiftly become a train wreck if Pettine leaves.
  3. Yes, this is a Bills fan's wet dream. Interestingly, it could probably be had sans Johnny Football, and I'm not sure we even need him. One could argue Chan could even salvage EJ, as he certainly would do with Spiller. But, this is the Bills. Obvious solutions are not that obvious to them (Ralph, Russ). And, sadly, we could probably had this combination too, but the FO garbage picked with Marrone (of all the college coaches, we picked the leader of Syracuse!?) and "I promise to pick a QB before I leave" Nix panicked and picked EJ. Heck, why we didn't target Pettine as our HC instead is beyond me. But, read it now and believe me later, this team will swiftly become a train wreck if Pettine leaves.
  4. I always thought Gailey did a fantastic job. I would love to have him back as our OC.
  5. Why is this a good idea? There's too much being handed to NFL coaches by way of them being buddies with someone/knowing someone/owes them a favor. This type of cronyism never ends well. Not only that, it cheats out candidates who are more accomplished or have a better skill set. Just look at the career trajectory of Pettine vs Crossman. In fact, wanting to steal Hackett's job should be part of the search criteria for our new QB coach.
  6. The Bills are getting better? Couldn't be based on their record. Teams which improve usually get better as the season progresses. First half of season: 3-5. Second half? 3-5. And the Bills played a string of bottom dwellers (Jags, TB, Atl) the 2nd half. Strength of schedule was much higher the 1st half.
  7. It's amazing that this thread is still alive. It's clear that the cutting of Rogers was just another dose of Buffalo Bills organizational disfunction. For Pete's sake, there are boarders on here that weren't even alive during the Bills's last winning season, but still people want to give the Bills the benefit of the doubt? It truly amazes me.
  8. The days of waiting until the year after a QB prospect have failed should be gone now. First, for every future HOFer like Brees, there are 20 JP Losmans/David Carrs. So, the odds are greatly in favor of a QB failing after 4 years of futility. Second, despite his growing pains/inconsistencies, there were many NFL-grade passes by Brees during those years. Haven't seen these yet with EJ. All we see him is floating passes to grossly open receivers. Lastly, before the rookie salary cap, teams were forced to play their rookie QBs for 4-5 years. It simply wasn't feasible to draft another QB when you're paying another one $70 million. The reason SD was even able to draft Rivers is because they weren't paying Brees top dollar.
  9. It's really amazing how Brandon can sit back and just watch this play out. We've seen this show before, over and over, and it just doesn't end up well. And this is not only a Bills phenomena. Look all over the NFL, if you can't adapt, your career will be cut short.
  10. It's called a metaphor. Didn't you learn about them in elementary school?
  11. Yeah, we should probably be done with this thread. I mean, what do you expect from a team after 20 years of gross mismanagement? There comes a point you just have to accept the sky is blue and the sun rises daily. As for Da'Rick, be mad all you want, but he's the real winner and for that we should be happy. He's catching balls in the playoffs from Andrew Luck. Remind me, who are the real losers here?
  12. The Billa cutting him is just an instance of the coaches being too lazy or plain unable to straighten this kid out. A rookie. That's too bad.
  13. Are you talking about Randy Moss the preseason of his rookie year or Randy Moss in his prime? Do you understand why I'm asking this? If you do, then your mind shouldn't be boggled anymore. If not, then I'm afraid your mind will be continued to be boggled.
  14. He very well could, and that would be fine because his upside is much greater than EJ's. Remember, EJ played no different for us than he did in college. No growth, low ceiling.
  15. I would be ecstatic if we grabbed a 3rd for him.
  16. Don't under estimate the President and CEO of our football team, whose #1 priority is to fill the Ralph each week.
  17. Yes, and all these great qualities should be brought up when we negotiate a great trade. Because, by the way it appears, he doesn't want to stay and won't sign our offer. Remember, both parties have to agree to the contract. If he chooses to stay, then great. If not, tag him and get the best return for him.
  18. Talent threshold passed? Didn't you see our record this year? I don't think our success will result from some minor tinkering.
  19. Just like any other position, they're looking to improve their football team. You can't exactly argue against this sentiment. In contrast, it appears the Bills want to gamble on a mediocre player developing, just like they did with Trent, Johnson, and JP. To each it's own.
  20. This guy is the real deal and he knows exactly what it takes to win. Sure, he's definitely immature and young (21 years-old), and college/NFL players have been accused of doing much worse. Who would you rather have; a "grown up" QB who sucks (EJ) or an immature 21 year-old who plays lights-out every time he touches the ball? Everyone grows up at some point, but not everyone improves their QBing skills. I would trade our 1st pick, EJ, Byrd, Johnson, and Dareus just to be able to draft this guy. He'll instantly make every game winnable and exciting. I would get Ralph's opinion. He'll get this done.
  21. Correct, but that was more or less written out of spite. In reality, I would tag him and try to pick up a 2nd rounder for him. I certainly wouldn't make him the top paid safety. That's not prudent.
  22. I really don't think the Bills record would be any worse with Nassib at the helm this year. In fact, with his handle on Marrone's offense, we may have won a game or two more. As for season's beyond, I have no idea.
  23. Yes, you can. A team simply cannot sign every player it drafts. First, there's a salary cap. And second, if you signed every player you previously drafted, it would negate the purpose of the draft itself. Well run teams, Pitt, NE, Green Bay, have a carousel of players. They don't overpay just because they drafted a player. That's not smart. Now, they also don't overpay for other teams' picks, but draft smartly. If you draft right, you don't need to overpay for your players. As for Byrd, tag him again. Aaron Williams can pick him up at the airport. Welcome back, Byrdman.
  24. After the draft concluded, many of thought our WR corps were the best unit on the Bills. Unexpectedly, this year revealed that they were a weak link. Bye bye Ike. I also do believe he's a scapegoat.
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