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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Let's be real. It has been proven time and time again that signing FAs to mega deals usually doesn't work out in the NFL (with exception of QBs). Based on the money given out, it's nearly impossible for the player to perform up to his contract. Do you think the Bills FO was completely blind to annual occurrence? If Russ can give out a huge contract for a big name player every blue moon, it's worth it in the long run because it puts butts in the seats and stops fans from complaining (which puts more butts in seats). $100 million is actually a cheap price for what Ralph gets in return.
  2. I'm pretty sure this was the real reason for the Williams signing - an argument against people thinking the Bills don't sign free agents or that Ralph is cheap. Russ Brandon will get to ride this wave for at least another 5 years.
  3. This can't be your first Bills offseason. You know the first few days of free agency fill even the biggest Bills fans with a sense of dread. Around this time someone usually points out that the Pats are usually never active and references the Skins. This can't be your first Bills offseason. You know the first few days of free agency fill even the biggest Bills fans with a sense of dread. Around this time someone usually points out that the Pats are usually never active and references the Skins.
  4. No, but you think you do though? This actually would be a non-story if this guy didn't spew out idiot garbage during his day. NFL players "retire" all the time, the majority of which are likely under the age of 26. Why all the fanfare with him? It's not like he was a decent player. Arizona probably told him they weren't going to bring him back, so he realized he sucked and quit. End of story, much like hundreds of NFL players. If his intent was to "just disappear", why didn't he do just that. This is not the last we hear from the attention whore.
  5. Opinions? If I wrote some of the garbage he has spouted out over the years on here I would have been banned a long time ago. His "opinions" border on hate speech and are offensive to the intelligence of the human race and the whose loved ones died in the WTC. As Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said in regards to Mendenhall: "Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. But they are not entitled their own facts" Whether you agree with it or not, he's a role model to impressionable youth as well as a representative of his team and the NFL.
  6. He's anything but. Remember, he's found himself in trouble multiple times for the boneheaded things he has written. Let's see...his defense of Osama bin Laden, the US government orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, the way the NFL treats its players is equivalent to the slave trade, his defense of Michael Vick's dog fighting scandal. The list goes on. You still impressed with him?
  7. Your daughter is safe, I just Googled it. So basically this is a non-story and in terms of its accuracy, it should be valued less than any random guy posting a rumor on this board.
  8. Isn't this the same guy who claimed Merriman got busted with steroids at the Canadian border? He's still allowed to put his thoughts into words?
  9. Well, there you have it folks. It's hard to trade in the NFL. I also like how he used the existence if the salary cap to explain why they haven't been able to get a deal done. Is Doug aware how much below the cap we are?
  10. Dead money is looked as a savior to Littmann. It serves to pad against hitting the salary cap floor and makes us appear that we are spending more money than we actually are by shrinking our available cap room. Just imagine if we didn't have this dead money, we'd be nearly $40 million under the cap and still balking at giving money to Byrd!
  11. What do Shawn Nelson, Derek Fine, Kevin Everett, Tim Euhus, & Bobby Collins all have in common? They were all TEs picked mid-round by the Bills over the last 15 years. We're just not good at identifying mid-round TE talent. And Gronk slid due to injury concerns. With no past injuries, he wouldn't have been mid-round (if you consider the 2nd round as mid-round), but would have been a 1st round pick. So, if we want to find the next Gronk, we're best drafting one in the 1st.
  12. I never said, nor believe, Sams reason for playing in the NFL is to stare at guys in the shower. That said, since he's sexually attracted to men it's only natural for him to be well aware of his surroundings in the shower. A lot more so than if he was heterosexual.
  13. Geez, it seems like the Browns FO really wanted other people besides Pettine (McDaniels, Schiano) and as a result, probably because he stuck around the longest, Pettine became the default HC. It must hurt when word's leaking out that the owner didn't even want to hire you and the guy that did was fired a month after your hiring. Good luck with that, Pettine.
  14. What would you be sexually attracted to more: a woman taking a piss/poop or a woman lathered up in a shower? Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
  15. Really? I think a bathroom as used for moving your bowels or whatever is a completely different than a bunch of guys showering. People go in to bathrooms, take a piss/poop, and leave. There can be no possible sexual attraction in this. A bunch of people showering? There's no way he's not going to check the other guys out in this situation. If you were at a nude beach or in a shower room full of naked women, can you actually say you wouldn't be checking them out? Otherwise, this guy is courageous, smart, and would want a man like this on my team. I think he would be a great contributor.
  16. Just when I thought the Pettine hiring had the Browns turning the corner, this happens. Gotta feel sorry for Pettine at this point. It must be rather strange to have the person who hired you last month gets the pink slip after really doing nothing bad over the last month.
  17. That's perfectly fine. People who do great work are usually standing on the shoulders of giants. Pettine didn't create the defense he ran, very few people do nowadays. It really doesn't matter if Pete Carroll or the good Lord Himself designed Seattle's defense, as long as Quinn can make a carbon copy of it and successfully run it (which he has proven he can do) he'll be a huge asset to a team looking for a new HC.
  18. I have to laugh at this. They were so desperate, they hired an inferior candidate. Seatlle's defense is downright scary, ours wasn't (at least not yet). If I was a Browns fan, I would be under my covers crying.
  19. Which is another reason (as if we needed more) why we never should've drafted CJ.
  20. Greggo had the much better defenses and he's recreated them everywhere he's been. He's no one trick pony.
  21. Of course I think he was lying. What do you expect him to say, "They're firing my coaches, so I have to get the hell out of here". All is well is what ends well. He left on a high note and nobody's going to fault him for being untruthful. We all do it.
  22. He had no choice? Of course he did. He could have continue to shape a very talented defense on an up and coming team (we are lead to believe) or he could have took the HC job of a team who just fired their last HC after just one year (there is almost no precedence for this happening in the NFL). As for striking when the iron's hot; I know, you know, and every on this board knows that if Pettine continued to improve this defense, he would have been the leading HC candidate going into next offseason.
  23. How? By him saying he saying he "felt bad" for the Bills? Well, actions speak louder than words because he turned around and still left them high and dry. Sort of like when a girl breaks up with you and says "it's not you, it's me" Meaning: you're exactly why I'm breaking up with you. What he said in the media means nothing.
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