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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. There are many different points-of-views on here, but I don't think anyone here is ignorant enough to mistake Vick for a playoff calibre QB
  2. I guess I withhold my judgement of Kiper's grade or the draft picks in general, because I don't know much about college football. But, just one thought: is drafting Watkins really the difference between a deep-run playoff team and 6-10 perpetuity? Quoted for internet eternity.
  3. Athletic skill aside (because it means very little right now), Sammy hasn't caught an NFL pass in his life. While I sure hope it doesn't happen and it's probably not likely, he very well could end up being a bust. Stevie is not a bust. While not elite, he's money in the bank. As for EJ, he's negative money in the bank right now considering the 1st round pick we used, plus the 1st next year which we won't be able to use on a QB.
  4. Correct, which is probably why they went out and traded for another RB option. It's called improving the position. But the Bills don't want to with the QB position.
  5. By that logic, why draft anyone? Our current players are further along than anyone we could draft. Why draft Watkins when Stevie is further along than him? Sometimes it's about potential and constantly trying to improve your team.
  6. By this logic, EJ should be the only active QB on the game day roster. They're 100% behind him, right? Shouldn't need a quality backup when you're 100% behind your starter, right? I think it's amazing that a "run option" QB who really didn't run much still managed to tally up 3 injuries in 1 season plus an offseason surgery. But I guess we still wouldn't want a quality backup considering we're 100% behind EJ. You must've missed the countless floaters he threw up. But I guess this is why they targeted Watkins.
  7. I don't see how drafting a QB in the 4th or 5th contradicts this. Plus, the Bills were already fairly talented at WR but they still decided to improve their team by drafting Watkins. A good GM continues to improve his team regardless of position. And it's naive to believe EJ will play a whole season, so we need a good backup QB. Whaley never said Lewis is "their man".
  8. They knew about this failed drug test and opted not to upgrade their WR corps. Can't say I feel sorry for them. Who Johnny going to throw the ball to?
  9. I don't think they go TE. EJ has enough targets now. That said, we now have an explosive group of receivers, so will need someone to throw them the ball when EJ is injured. With 3 injuries last season, plus an off-season surgery, it's naive to believe he won't be injured at least once next season. They've mortgaged their future by having no 1st next year, so draft a semi-project QB now as insurance. A good GM would have a contingency plan. That, or OT to help protect EJ.
  10. The agent he hires will speak volumes about his intentions. If it's Parker, package him up for shipment before the draft - just to make sure everything works out for him, like it did for Byrd. I agree. A 2nd would be wonderful, but perhaps a bit too optimistic.
  11. The Forbes value means absolutely nothing. The value of the Bills will be the price the winning bidder pays. Nothing more, nothing less. On a different note, I don't know the details of the lease, but wouldn't it actually allow a move to Toronto? I believe it says the Bills have to remain in their current market and thanks to Russ, it could be argued Toronto is within the Bills market.
  12. I would also bet they even had inside knowledge of Ralph's health over the last 6 months and, like you said, were working under the understanding the new owner/group (who've they also known for some time) would want a new stadium. Otherwise, why all the interest in a new stadium when no one publicly is asking for one?
  13. Sure, I'd give up a bunch of picks for JJ Watt, but as far as I can tell, he's not declaring for the draft. As for a player "like" Watt? If we have the ability to identify such a game changer, then sure. But until then, the highest likelihood if identifying a true game changer is through the QB position.
  14. There's only 1 position you move up to the #1 overall for…QB. Clowney is not a player you sell the farm for and we have been improving our defense all offseason, so moving up for Clowney would make little sense.
  15. True. He was a great man who we should honor for bringing the Bills to Buffalo, but every Bills fan would be lying to themselves if they weren't thinking in the back of their mind "what's going to happen to our team?"
  16. Is Titus Young still available? Wouldn't mind the Bills kicking that tire.
  17. I'm kinda upset that Pettine left again. I would have loved seeing his attacking D total demolish Vick twice per year (or not, depending on how early he gets injured). Here's hoping Schwartz can do the same. I want Vick to be the meat in a Williams sandwich.
  18. So, he can leave in a year after proving himself? Why not lock him in for longer? Plus, anyone can live anywhere for a year, even a place one publicly denigrated on numerous occasions. But thinking about it a bit more, it may have been the Bills pushing for the 1 year deal. He's high risk, for sure, and Peppers knows the dirt. Plus, it's a relatively cheap deal.
  19. Yeah, I'm not that excited about this. At least a 2 year deal would have been better. Makes you think he really doesn't want to be here.
  20. So, I guess as long as we're not playing good teams he'll do just fine. With us not making the playoffs in I can't even remember when, sounds like a great pick up.
  21. Geez, that feels like forever ago. Nearly 15 years ago. I'm pretty sure since then we haven't sniffed the salary cap. Graham played for the Browns? Never knew that....
  22. Well, considering the Saints just dropped $10 million on Byrd with supposedly very little cap room, I guess $15 million must be a fortune to spend. If your capologist is doing their job, any signing is possible. It just depends on the way your structure the contracts. That said, I can't remember the last time the Bills had to worry about fitting under the cap, so all this is a moot point.
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