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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Not only that, as management would have it, no one even close to being competition for EJ will be wearing a Bills uni.
  2. Time Machine, you say? How about TJ for Russell Wilson.
  3. Isn't the NFL already full of undersized WRs trying (and failing) to make a name for themselves? I guess a 7th rounder would be better than nothing, but I'm sure he'll be cut outright and become a statistic.
  4. True. Bills are hell-bent on ensuring EJ has no meaningful completion. Instead, they are looking to garner as many "coaches" (and weapons) as possible in attempt to help EJ. That in itself is indication the Bills themselves can be too confident in his abilities. Plus, too many cooks in the kitchen could backfire on them.
  5. I didn't see this posted, but it certainly might have been. If so, commence the "in"s. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/11405668/nfl-nation-confidential-oakland-raiders-least-desirable-team-play-for It lists the Raiders as the Least Desirable Team" to play for, but look who's a close 2nd. The new owner should definitely keep this in mind.
  6. I see no mention of hiring Marrone in above list. That was Whaley's picks as much as Buddy's. In the very least, Whaley didn't have the balls to say "who?" Unproven/suspect QB + potentially elite WR does not equal Super Bowl or even playoffs. Ask the Lions. This should also be listed under cons. Yes, Whaley could have prevented this by hiring Pettine in the first place. You know they were targeting him for DC even before Marrone was hired, yet they hired a HC of a mediocre college football team.
  7. True. If it wasn't for the mega deal he had strapped around his team's neck, Bradford would've been cut years ago. The same could be said for Stafford too. Ironically, though, they are better than anything the Bills have had for years.
  8. While Hackett is young and may not have the answers, I don't think he's THE reason this offense is sputtering. We've seen this story unfold many times in Buffalo. You can shuffle the OCs all you want, without a decent QB you're going nowhere. He was also an o-line coach, which sort of does give him some credibility. And he didn't quit being an o-line coach because he was bad at it (I may be wrong though).
  9. Well, considering he was bringing up QBs who played over 20 years ago, the answer would be "many". Those were the days when a team could win with a top-3 defense and a statue game manager under center.
  10. I agree. I would also ask what happened between last year and this year. He seemed to thrive under Pettine, so I wonder if the absence of Pettine is the problem. Sure, he has a history of poor effort, but it'll be telling if Pettine grabs him if we cut him.
  11. I guess it depends on his percent body fat, but I'm still sure he had to drink quite a lot.
  12. It's interesting how each preseason the Bills have sucked, we are told each and every time "it's just preseason, wait until the regular season". Every year. And how do the cards eventually fall? 6 win seasons. I think people are still under the impression (we saw during the SB years) that the preseason is meaningless.
  13. Wade Wilson, Trent Dilfer? Really? Boy, our future looks bright. As for Kurt Warner, he really has no equal in history. And if you're talking about him going to Arizona, as opposed to him going the Rams, what QB who has won multiple SBs will be available this offseason?
  14. Bringing a vet in to play QB has rarely ever worked out well for a team. It just never ends well. The only 2 circumstances where this worked out well was with Manning and Brees, but in these cases serious injuries were involved.
  15. While I'm not convinced Nassib will ever be more than a backup, I'm pretty sure EJ will be out of the league before Nassib.
  16. I wouldn't have drafted o-line, but a QB. An elite WR as elite lineman is worthless if you don't have a decent QB. That trade will determine Whaley's fate.
  17. It's part of the game. In fact, it's part of any sport at any level. A professional would know how to deal with it.
  18. If the Bills pull another 6 win season (which is history has taught us is highly probable), Whaley should be the 1st person given a box to pack his personal effects. He drafted EJ (or at least, consented to it). A GM is married to the QB he drafts. And don't forget trading away next year's 1st for Watkins (when we have no one to throw the ball to Watkins). As for Marrone, he'll be collateral damage due to the QB he was given and the man who hired him.
  19. I don't think I've ever seen this much discord in a Bills team in quite some time. Marrone better gain control over his team.
  20. Maybe they're tired fighting each other and now want to fight the fans? Seriously, Goodwin is a nobody and will likely be selling insurance in the next year or 2.
  21. You mean after playing 2 preseason games his rookie year? I'm undecided on JF, but it's rare when any rookie QB looks good in preseason. And if he does, it's likely meaningless. One should actually become concerned with poor play after their rookie year. The jury hasn't even been selected for JF.
  22. I know, really? The blackout rules help low income communities? If they're so concerned about low-income people watching football, then they should be speaking to the NFL - which is a US government sanctioned monopoly - about lowering ticket prices. Then we wouldn't have to worry about blackouts. Seriously, these are the people running our country?
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