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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. This is like stepping into a time warp. What does Aikman's 1st year have to do with anything? I'm assuming it's an EJ thread, but isn't EJ in his 2nd year?
  2. I would love Chan as OC. Now that was an exciting offense, plus he is fairly good at guiding QB's to success.
  3. People need to lay off EJ. He had one fairly poor outing against a team who also shut down Russell Wilson and company. His 2 other games were pretty good. Marrone and his coaching staff, otoh, were ill-prepared for last Sunday's game.
  4. McCoy was never an OL coach and likely would never admit he knows more about OL coaching than D'Alessandris. You also read our HC is an OL guru and that doesn't look to be the truth.
  5. Yep. Can't keep a guy around that could potentially show you up.
  6. These are simple growing pains. EJ learns from this and starts next week. Plus, look how many years it took for Rivers to become a decent QB.
  7. This is true. It is engrained in our society that a dog that has attacked is likely a pit bull. This is further fueled by media misreporting that will just insert that breed into their story to sell more papers or get more clicks. The truth is, it's very hard to determine breed more often than not: http://nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/breed-identification-1/
  8. Another horrible website. Dogs bite.org was created by Colleen Lynn, who was bitten by a pit bull while jogging in June 2007. As a highly biased source, you'll read all sorts of anecdotes on that website, but a dearth of facts. Here's Colleen's story: http://btoellner.typepad.com/kcdogblog/2010/03/the-truth-behind-dogsbiteorg.html What are you going to quote next, PETA? Here's another piece containing scientific facts: http://nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/uploaded_files/tinymce/Schalke.pdf
  9. Their "reputation" is a stereotype fuel by fear and the media. As for their attraction, you will never get a more loyal dog breed. They will run through a brick wall for you. Plus, they are incredibly smart. As for the liability...I can produce a list the length of my arm of liabilities professional athletes should avoid. Owning a dog (yes, it's just a dog) would be at the bottom of the list.
  10. You do know that website is run by lawyers, don't you? I guess they succeeded with you - making you scared and likely to sue if bitten. In addition, for every pit bull bite or attack, there is another by another breed you never hear about. A pit bull attacks someone...front page news or good reading on a sensationalist website. A lab attacks someone...you'll never hear about it. Plus, there's a staggering amount of scientific studies that have shown pit bulls are no more aggressive than any other breed of dog, leading to both the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) to issue a position statement against Breed Specific Legislation. The AVMA statement can be seen here, which is excellent literature for educating the public: http://avsabonline.org/uploads/position_statements/Breed-Specific_Legislation-download-1.pdf The AVMA is hardly a biased source of facts. Here is a report from the American Temperment Test Society: http://atts.org/breed-statistics/ Go to American Pit Bull Terrier and Anerican Staffordshire Terrier. Their rates of aggression are no different than most breeds - less than average aggression. Here is a very recent study by the University of Bristol in the UK that surveyed 14,000 dog owners. Breed was not found to be a predictor of aggression: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016815911300292X
  11. This was an absolutely fantastic video. I've been critical of him before, but do to his advocacy of pitties, he goes up 100 notches in my book. This guy can do no wrong. Beautiful dog. I got 2 myself.
  12. Perhaps a better stat would be WR's yards divided by yards thrown by his QB.
  13. If someone besides Kelly said that, that would have earned them a warning point. Plus, considering the sensitivity of the issue, it really isn't funny.
  14. Don't worry guys, for hating on the Bills, he has been taken care by the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea: http://news.yahoo.com/n-korea-sentences-american-six-years-labour-camp-092042291.html
  15. I have to admit, he was throwing some awful nice balls all day. That one in the 1st quarter to Sammy dropped right between his hands - thrown perfectly.
  16. If Cousins has another game or 2 like he did today, I doubt RGIII regains the starter role when healthy.
  17. The guy had so much promise and is now turning into a bust right before our eyes.
  18. You know what's also unfair? 1st-4th round draft picks who are out of the league by 3 years. Should we also argue that they should give the money back to the owner who drafted him?
  19. I'm sure there's a whole lot of us being paid less than we're worth, especially those who just joined the workforce. We deal with it. That argument's a steaming pile of poop.
  20. He was still a 7th rounder. And 7th rounders are just that for a reason. He made his bed... Plus, I'm not so hot on giving any player, 1st rounder or UDFA, with less than 3 years experience a reason to hold-out.
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