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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Why don't we just pick up the best TE was can with our 2nd pick? Would be a lot cheaper and probably could get a better player than Clay.
  2. Check this out. Guy has information 99% of us don't have. Glad to have another inside source.
  3. If I were the Bills I would have Suh in for a nice visit. See what the Fins think about that.
  4. Is this a cost cutting move to sign Clay?
  5. They're a dime-a-dozen. They grow on trees. Why don't we just grab one in the 7th round.
  6. Could be. He's definitely not someone on inside making any football decisions. I think that came to light with the EJ's going to be cut comment.
  7. Money well spent. Who's Marrone?
  8. Does cap room to sign draft picks even mean anything even more? Due to the new CBA, it's incredibly predictable and really not that much. Shouldn't be an issue, especially with no 1st round pick.
  9. I can't believe why a player wouldn't wait until the last possible second to sign. The offer could only go up. They are rarely taken off the table.
  10. Awesome, Iupati's already using the Bills to get more money. Guess we can check that off our FA period checklist.
  11. This was a classic thread, classic in the sense of watching someone getting ripped apart for having a differing opinion around here.
  12. Pretty sure this will get swept under the rug. In fact, I'm 100% sure some "rogue" scrub patsie (no pun intended) will end up taking the blame and that will be that. The NFL can't afford handing out punishment to their current Superbowl champs.
  13. Yes, that's pretty much all that needs to be said in this thread.
  14. Now that McCown has signed with the Browns, no doubt we will be cutting EJ. QB? Who needs a QB when you'll be running a power running game (without a legit RB)?
  15. Leroi, we still cutting EJ? Nothing, so far, tells me Whaley is this smart.
  16. I always thought that Leroi was a !@#$ who was making actual football decision (eg. Rex or even Whaley himself). I guess this proves that theory wrong. Cutting EJ makes extremely little sense (unless he's done something to really piss off the FO or we are bringing in a really big fish at QB).
  17. It's becoming deeper: http://m.espn.go.com/wireless/story?storyId=12344667
  18. It's in the NFL's best interest to wait as long as possible before making any decision in regards to the Pats. They just won the Superbowl, I don't they want to dole out punishment so soon, it would tarnish their win and the NFL too. That, and I'm sure these balls and whatever other evidence has been destroyed.
  19. Eugene Parker happened to him.
  20. There's nothing in here that we already didn't know. Every team should be "expecting" this. Really? I didn't think we would've signed him if they didn't believe this. Same thing was done with the Sabres. Expect an expansion of the FO. Actually, I'll give him this one. It did take just a little more than superficial knowledge to come up with this one. No news here Obviously. Anyone watching the Bills last season could've told you this. Doesn't every team want another? I wouldn't expect anything less said from a QB-less team. Should they be expecting "weak" competition? Every team would love to add Revis. Did we think they would say "Dareus and Gilmore? Nope, we have no plans here. Just making it up as we go!" Good thing we have Massare's tweets to read.
  21. So we're talking about a jock who partied and got into some fights (yes, that constitutes "assault") in college...can't imagine such an individual would exist. That would be like the Bills drafting an individual who was arrested for breaking and entering and a DUI in college. No way.
  22. I'm fine with this signing if he can still play. I'm sure there are a lot worse players in the NFL, criminals, domestic abusers and such, and Incognito is not one of them. It's even unfair to call him a "bully". This isn't middle school where kids are ill-prepared to defend themselves. This was 2 grown men having a disagreement.
  23. My guess would be RGIII with a slightly possibility of Geno Smith too. No one would be expecting that.
  24. Not necessarily. In fact, that's a pretty concrete line of thinking. A more mature approach would be to discuss your differences and come to a resolution that satisfies both parties. It happens every day in the work place. And maybe what you saw today was a result of such conflict resolution.
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