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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. It's actually very easy to question it. He's the GM of a perpetually losing team, why wouldn't he be questioned? That, and he severely misplayed both his HC hire and his search for a QB. These are by far the two single most important predictors of success in the NFL and has failed in the regard. Sure, he has had some highlights, but as our record attests, these are less important transactions.
  2. This may be part of some elaborate plan of Bellicheat for Brady to become a Bill, self-implode, and singlehandedly destroy Buffalo sports for decades to come.
  3. I don't think there were any Sanchez haters besides in NYC. As we see now, he got a raw deal in NY. He would've been a good pickup if he came here.
  4. I suspected they might lose this game back in April when the schedule was released. As for a time point in the game? The Brown fumble. Completed changed the momentum of the game.
  5. Seems about the right timing. The football gods don't exist.
  6. Goodwin should just go away. And we should draft a player in his mold (Graham, Parrish) for another 10 years. Otherwise, Brown singlehandedly lost this game. We shouldn't expect Orton to play like an elite QB. He played his game and it was enough to win this one. Now the sky's falling.
  7. Some GM will be desperate to save his job and take him. Jets sounds about right, which is great because I predict this guy will self-destruct once in the NFL making tons of money.
  8. I'm fairly certain those 2 possibilities are not mutually exclusive. Criminals usually only associate with likeminded criminals. And with this guy, where's there's smoke there's fire.
  9. Actually I remember us being fine with it if it meant us signing Byrd to a long-term contract. And we know how that turned out. I also remember the Bills believing Cornell a Green was their answer for their woes at LT. It tells me the Bills, while they want a good o-line, they're not willing to pay the price for a great one.
  10. Not surprised by these turn of events. Actually surprised it took this long, which is unfortunate for him.
  11. Wow. I bet you really got your creative juices flowing to come up with that one. It's definitely a novel spin on things. Who know where a topic like that would go?
  12. Kick the tires. Seriously, it's amazing how guys like this can bounce around the league for years collecting pay checks. Has a salvage project like this ever worked?
  13. I don't think we're the ones who should be throwing any stones.
  14. I don't think Schwartz is going to get another HC job anytime soon. Contrary to popular belief, he's not exactly performing miracles here. This defense is packed with talent. Plus, he was just a HC last year and that didn't turn out that well.
  15. http://www.billsdaily.com/schedule/2008results.shtml
  16. Sure. But it certainly gives you a glimpse into their priorities and motivations, which I doubt would change in the NFL. Injury prone. Bust.
  17. I don't understand how NFL teams basically gave him a pass for playing not to get injured his whole senior year. I understand why he would want to do that, but it's basically saying you're above the team.
  18. Bacterial likes to live in dead (necrotic) bone. Dead bone no longer has a blood supply, so antibiotics can't get into it. Debridement is basically the physical removal of the dead bone.
  19. This is a fairly serious infection considering he's immunosupressed. While I agree it's MRSA, it's not likely the variety that pervades locker rooms (community acquired), but rather hospital-acquired, which tends to be more virulent. He'll need IV antibiotics for 1-2 months, but should kick this.
  20. I think it's just amazing that for the 2nd year straight a Bill has been in the running for a ROY honor. Who will it be next year? The star RB we draft?
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