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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. He wasn't a GM. He was a palate cleanser. Too bad the next taste was even worse than that what preceded it.
  2. I can't see Marrone bringing a different OC in here. First, it would be admitting that he was wrong about Hackett. Second, that someone else has a better offensive mind than him. And last, he would effectively be hiring his successor.
  3. That's not going out on a limb. He's been the best we've had in the last 10 years.
  4. Is Derrick Dockery still be available? Make him the highest paid guard in the NFL. He'll cure all our ills.
  5. Saying the Bills coaches improved Henderson's play is like buying a Ferrari, placing new tires on it, and saying "look, I made a racing car". Henderson was one of our best o-linemen in preseason, enough to earn him the RT starting job. That's a testament to the young man's effort and talent, not coaching. And if he improved during the year, he did so in spite of the current offensive coaches. Sammy, the best WR in college last year. The cream was going to rise to the top no matter who was throwing him the ball.
  6. I don't know about this. Pegula: "what has he (Marrone) done wrong?"
  7. A top 5 defense wouldn't have been shown up by a rookie QB today. Injuries shouldn't have mattered.
  8. This game is turning out well. Good to see.
  9. I bet you Belicheat would just love us to make the playoffs.
  10. That's great and all, but who's going to be our QB? Sure, the Bills will win some ball games, maybe even challenge for a wild-card spot, but without a QB they're not going any further.
  11. Too bad this defensive is never going to have its equal in an offense. Offenses take years to develop, unless you pick up Payton Manning or Drew Brees in their prime. A journeyman QB, who the Bills are fond of, is just never going to cut it. The only saving grace would be if EJ magically develops.
  12. Schwartz isn't going anywhere. He just freshly tried and failed with arguably better talent. Plus, Pettine was/is more qualified and he only got a sniff from 1 team and he was their 3rd (or 4th) choice. That, and this D is stacked with talent, making his job a lot easier. Let's remember that Schwartz was not the same DC on teams with lesser talent.
  13. That's exactly what I took away from this article. Sure, it's clever cutting homegrown talent to stay comfortably 10 million below the cap, but there's a reason why we have the longest playoff drought in the NFL. I would almost want to get into "salary cap jail" if it meant enjoying the success the Saints have had in the last 5 years.
  14. I guess they're starting on building their case for not resigning him.
  15. I'm pretty sure he's as good as gone. The Bills have had their chance to resign him, likely for a fraction of what's he's going to get on the open market, and have failed to do so. Anytime during the offseason or first few games would have been the time to do it.
  16. I would say they are not looked upon as favorable as 2 years ago. With the exception of Russell Wilson, they're all failing to adjust to the NFL. I think it's because Wilson plays smart, has an excellent RB (the irony...), and a great defense. Plus a coach who's not boneheaded.
  17. I guess we can tack this one on to the "NFL is rigged" thread as this was a highly questionable call that reversed the one on the field, which is unusual.
  18. Seriously, that's what I say when I glanced at this thread. Did a double take.
  19. True. Nobody knows if he's MRSA free, only time will tell. Assuming he was still on abx 2-3 weeks ago, it's too early to tell. MRSA is not like cancel. You don't go looking for it in bone if you don't have to. You'll know if your infection is truly gone when it doesn't reoccur after a certain period of time.
  20. I've seen 1st rounders shipped out for much bigger question marks - over and over. As for Kelly shipping him out for nothing - if it happens, it will be for the same reason why many college-to-NFL coaches fail - ego. These coaches are used to walking on water and think they can in the NFL too. What's worse is that Kelly had a winning season his 1st year - inflating his ego even more. Truth is, he hasn't been around the NFL long enough to know how hard it is to win the NFL, especially without a QB. This isn't college where you can just plug in the next guy up and continue winning. This is perhaps why I don't believe this story; it would be incredibly stupid to part ways with a starting QB with really no one else on the team to fill the void. Even if he were to draft one in the 1st next Spring, you never send a starting QB packing (the Bills being the most recent example if this). As for the Bills, if they have Foles playing the way he is this year, they'd be in the playoff hunt. If they have Foles of last year, they're heading to the Super Bowl. Either scenario, I take the gamble.
  21. Lol at all the people say "systems QB, don't want him". You realize that this guy had a 27:2 TD:INT ratio last year and went to the Pro Bowl? We haven't had a good QB in 20 years and have no real options in sight, but you're still "nope, don't want him"? It's like a dehydrated person in the desert turning down water because he wants Gatorade. And what exactly is a "system QB" anyhow? Any OC would doesn't develop an offensive system to fit the strengths of his QB is soon to be unemployed. And thinking EJ and a 3rd would do it is also laughable. I think our FO and some fans here are the only people who think he's going to amount to anything. His own college coach even said he wouldn't make it. if Kelly really wanted him, he would've drafted him himself. Eagles won't take anything less an a 1st for Foles.
  22. This is nonsense. There's probably more WNY explants here in DMV than total people in Detroit.
  23. Someone here gets it. But it was a huge mistake and he continued defending it ("What has he [Darcy] done wrong?). As it turned out, this was a monumental mistake and the Sabres paid dearly. Despite a FA shopping spree, Reiger put together a team that was historically bad. Now, will Pegula learn from this blunder or will he blindly keep the Bills current FO intact? I guess time will tell. Very true. But Pegula originally wanted DR to run this turnaround if it wasn't for a near fan revolt, which would have been a huge mistake. Then, instead, he wanted to make LaFontaine the man in charge, someone with zero experience as a GM. Luckily for us, PLF turned him down. It was almost dumb luck we ended up with Tim Murray. I guess we'll have to see how this all plays out, but I hope Pegula learned something from the last 1-2 years.
  24. I don't remember Chan's offense as being bad. In hindsight, it was pretty good. We were mostly held back by our horrible defense. Sure, we had Fitz, but that's telling in itself. If Chan was running our offense now, we would be a playoff team.
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