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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. That's a pretty bold statement to make without a link and most importantly, one that makes little sense. Polian changing his mind too?
  2. Wait, Foles has just had a few good games on Sportscenter? Which part of the ratio 27-2 don't you understand? But you want to write him off during an injury-filled season? The guy's 25 years-old.
  3. Kitchen needs major updating. Maybe he's inviting Rex over to get his opinion on cabinets?
  4. Totally agree there. I'm unsure if it was him, since the guy didn't really reveal any inside info, but definitely not your average Joe schmoe TSW poster. Probably someone working under his agent.
  5. It was likely in the back of his head, but Orton retiring likely sealed the deal. Directly texting Pegula tips this off. We all know now he was dead set against EJ being his QB. With Orton gone, he would've been forced to play EJ next year. This probably explains the preseason blow up between Whaley and Marrone. Marrone probably want to make Orton his starter and Whaley disagreed. Probably also explains why Marrone made the unilateral decision to bench EJ during the season.
  6. Pegula basically did the same thing with the Sabres GM position. LaFontaine basically interviewed every assistant GM on the planet. I think it took him 2 months too. Difference is that the Bills don't have that timetable. Plus, PLF left the Sabres and took all that knowledge with him.
  7. This may be more about the Jets not losing their 1st due to tampering than them not wanting him. Either way, I would love to see Morone blackballed out of the NFL. He can go turn around some ****ty D1 school again, and in that I mean help them achieve mediocrity.
  8. As has every coach under Snyder. So would you if your team owner was telling you who to play and who not to.
  9. But don't we need a QB who can hit wide open receivers? We haven't had such a QB for years.
  10. I would be thrilled if this was even true. If EJ's a project, then he should start to show flashes of being a decent QB this coming season. I'm not going to hold my breath though.
  11. I'm not buying this was all about money. It appears he was in line for a lucrative extension from Pegula. Putting the pieces together, it appears Marrone and Whaley had a horrible relationship and he wanted more power. We've seen this story play out before. This about him gaining the power his ego craved and the chance to be HC for his boyhood team. That was the Pats and this is the Bills. Although we have a legitimate gripe, I'd be shocked if we receive compensation. And if we do, which I highly doubt, they'll pull some bull **** and give us 2016's 1st.
  12. The thing is he was under contract as the Bills HC until the very moment he opts out. He was still under contract during those 3 days, unless there was specific language in his contract saying he could contact potential suitors. And it's certainly tampering if you lure a coach from another team that was under contract, especially for a lateral move. Let's pray that the Jets offer him the job, otherwise the case is much weaker. It indeed would be ironic if we received their 1st rounder when Doug quit for wasting away our 1st rounder. However, this is Buffalo sports, so it will never happen.
  13. Very interesting quotes. Looks like he was onboard with the kujo pick but not the Henderson pick. Another reason why Marrone sucks.
  14. As much as I dislike Marrone, I have to agree with him here. Mortgaging the future that much to select a WR is not a smart move if you have no QB. Sure, Watkins will win us a few more games, but we are talking about going from 6-10 to 9-7. Still not good enough to get to the playoffs or win in them. I guess this also says Marrone wasn't convinced EJ was the answer either. Another thing he was correct about.
  15. It would make sense, but wouldn't that be a clone of the coaching staff that lead to Schwartz's firing? They had a horrible record, even with a QB.
  16. If you indeed do live here in DC, you would know it was and always will be Snyder's fault. And there was an unusual power struggle going on between them two.
  17. Don't for get that there was one guy fired, the only guy who was fired, during this mess. That's where people should be shifting their attention.
  18. I live in the DC area, as many of us do in here, and it's a pretty widespread believe that nobody would have or will be successful under the guidance of Dan Snyder. He's reviled and takes "meddlesome owner" to a whole new level. Not that I think Shanny's great, but we certainly shouldn't judge him based on his time with the Skins.
  19. Rightfully so. We should given them the opportunity to talk with Hackett though.
  20. Just because Smith improved doesn't mean EJ will improve. That's like saying we should've given JP or Edwards or Collins more time. Problem with having that sort of patience is (1) that it's the exception, rather than the rule, that a QB improves after starting 5 years, (2) if they do become decent, they're certainly not elite, and (3) you miss many opportunities to get that elite QB (which we undoubtedly have experienced here). Anyways, I'm all for Foles coming here. He would automatically become the best QB we've had since Kelly.
  21. I'm sorry, but if the interview is not about what QB you're going develop, be it EJ or another young QB, then the interview shouldn't even take place. Do you think we haven't been to the playoffs since forever due to poor defensive play, the wrong WRs, or a poor running game? Like it not, we already own the rights to EJ, so we better see if we can make it work or move on.
  22. It would be a fantastic finish to the week if he suddenly decided to unretire again.
  23. That's true and I don't understand when his name isn't being linked to their HC search. Imo, he would be a better choice than Reich.
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