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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. Cutler being a "top-10 quarterback" is an extreme head scratcher. In fact, I think I'm losing more hair by the minute.
  2. I find that the longer a post is, the more horrible and unrealistic the idea is.
  3. Wait, what exactly did he do with Cutler? Looking at his stats, which admittedly don't tell you the whole story, he was not great, but just OK. Furthermore, the Bears offense was just average. I just don't get the love for Gase. The great news is that the Dolphins will likely continue to suck and they will undoubtedly be looking for a new coach in 3 years or continue to be mediocre.
  4. Finally! Gettin some respect.
  5. Isn't this a basic human trait, one of which is practiced on a daily basis?
  6. I think you are on to something here. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why Gase's name keeps popping up as a candidate. He hasn't exactly done anything in Chicago.
  7. I must've missed something. What exactly is known about his intelligence?
  8. By the looks of it, they are neither blowing things up or starting all over. Rumor is they want to promote their OC. There will be some changes, but nothing drastic.
  9. If this was true, one would expect the defense to improve as the season progressed. It didn't. There were much bigger problems than neglecting to study the playbook in June. What more likely happened was they didn't study the playbook in June. During training camp, they became confused, but chalked it up to learning a new system. By October, they were still confused and soon thereafter the players began to just give up and go through the motions. Now, they're sitting at home wondering what went wrong.
  10. Why draft a WR early when our defense is (1) aging, (2) losing starters from this past season, and (3) grossly underperformed to the point of being a liability? I don't want a WR's name called until day 3 of the draft, especially when we have a QB who has difficulty looking past his WR1.
  11. He's a "players coach".
  12. Yeah, I think I'll pass on that. He's now a big question mark.
  13. Vic clearly went Rogue with this one, especially with his colleague reporting the exact opposite.
  14. Who said that? No one is forcing her, but her silence is deafening considering her husband's legacy is on the line. That would be a lot easier than hiring Ari Fleischer. I think all people are saying is "where there's smoke, there's fire". It doesn't take a medical degree (which I have btw) to know something fishy is going on. That place says "quack" all over it. I bet the HGH is stocked right next to the "IV Mineral Therapy".
  15. Look up our RB production (not the rest of the league) over the last 5 years. Are RBs just a dime-a-dozen like you say? If so, why haven't they ever worked out for us? Sure, Shady is expensive and he was injured most of the year. Did we have a crystal ball knowing we were going to hit gold on Karlos (who's been injured a lot too, btw)? Did we know TT being so good was going to cover up the deficiencies of our running game? The plan was for the opposite. A lot of atypical things actually happened to the Bills this season (except for the 8-8 record, which was to be expected).
  16. There are very few diagnoses where Somatropin can be prescribed and I seriously doubt Manning's wife has any of them. One simple way to see is when the "prescribing" began. All the FDA approved indications manifest in childhood. In fact, there's even fewer diagnoses where HGH should be taken into adulthood.
  17. Of course it's too good to happen to us, but please fire Thurman and re-unite Rex with Pettine.
  18. I disagree with those on here dismissing Thurman as just a figurehead. He may not be having the final say in the defensive game plan, but he's likely very influential. It's his job to not only teach the players Rex's defensive scheme, but to also sell it to them. In this regard, he has failed. It's also his job during the week to get the defense practiced up for the game. Another failure. He's likely very influential and undoubtedly has had a very bad impact.
  19. Then an important interview questions would be "Why should we believe you are responsible for the Jaguars improvement on offense and not Greg Olson?" Next question should be "Why didn't we see the same improvement in Buffalo with EJ Manuel?"
  20. Why would Rex need a consultant?
  21. The title of this article should've been "Half of the Defense isn't Buying in to Rex's Scheme". That's where the real story is.
  22. Really? If things aren't "blown up", how exactly would these coaching hopefuls get jobs?
  23. Should the Eagles have followed the "Pittsburgh model"? "Continuity" for the sake of "continuity" can be a very damaging thing.
  24. I see so many people throwing around the term best player available. I can't find the quote now, but people are forgetting what "BPA" means to Whaley. To him, it means best player available for your team.
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